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2017 | University of Redlands

Bulldog Bites

News and Views from the University of Redlands

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Happy Holidays music playlist

As winter break nears, it’s time to get into the holiday spirit! Even though it may not feel like winter in Southern California, this 30-track holiday playlist will get you through finals and/or the last few days of work and on your way to celebrate with loved ones.

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University of Redlands and Tuskegee University forge historic agreement

Student exchange to begin in fall 2018 

In a first-of-its-kind agreement for both institutions, the University of Redlands, a private liberal arts, graduate and professional university in Southern California, and Tuskegee University, a private historically black university in Alabama, have partnered to provide expanded opportunities for students and faculty.

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New San Diego campus advances mission to serve working professionals

U of R has a 32-year reputation of academic excellence, affordability, and accessibility in the San Diego communities, and through this new expanded facility, centrally located in Mission Valley, the University is expanding opportunities and extending its mission of personalized education for working professionals and active-duty military and veterans who are either completing undergraduate degrees or earning graduate degrees in business.

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Environmental business alumnus helms GIS department within days of graduating

Jakob Larson ’17 draws on U of R education in Wildlands Conservancy position

Six days after graduating from the University of Redlands, Jakob Larson ’17 was hired to manage the geographic information systems (GIS) operations for California’s largest land preservation system—and he says it’s all thanks to his Redlands education. 

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Alumnus humbled by prestigious U.S. Navy leadership award

Being a competent leader in the Navy goes beyond just ordering sailors around. Lt. Cmdr. Phil Menard, a U.S. Seventh Fleet Intelligence Watch Officer from Orange, California—a Redlands Business School ’00 alumnus—embraces a philosophy of being present and available for his sailors, and ensuring his team has a clear understanding of each person's role in executing the mission.

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U of R alumna evolves from Bulldog to Blackhawk

Jenny Megenney ’16 ’17 returns to the Redlands Unified School District

“I’m not nervous—I’m just excited to keep learning,” says Jenny Megenney '16 ’17 of the start of her career as an English teacher at Citrus Valley High School. A Redlands native and alumna of both the University of Redlands’ College of Arts and Sciences and its School of Education, Megenney will be teaching in the same school district she grew up in.

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U of R alumni receive promotions at Redlands Police Department

Four officers reflect on how their education led to career success 

Four members of the Redlands Police Department who received job promotions this month have something in common—a University of Redlands diploma. Travis Martinez ’94, Rachel Tolber ’98, Esteban Valenzuela ’02 ’09, and Chris Mead ’14 all attribute their individual success to some aspect of their U of R education. 

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