Current Projects 

University Village

From the University Village planning committee:

"University Village is a sustainable, transit-oriented neighborhood adjacent to campus and the new University of Redlands rail station that will serve as a model community where residents, visitors, and innovators can live, work, and play— a gathering place for cultural and intellectual exchange that nurtures new ideas while celebrating Redlands’ rich heritage."

For more information about this project, click here

Train Station Walkway Project

The University's Train Station Walkway Project will create a significantly enhanced gateway from the Arrow Line Train Station to the University's Performing Arts complex, and toward the remainder of the campus.

Partnering with KAR Construction, this project will add a beautiful walkway, plaza, steps-to-greenbelt plaza area, and additional social gathering spaces.

7/12/2024 Status Update:

The walkway's main entrance prep work for concrete pouring and the first pour were completed this week, as was the texture coating along the Loew Theater production wall. Landscaping placements have been completed, and the majority of the lighting fixtures have been installed, with electrical connections to be completed in about two weeks.

Campus Solar Covered Parking Energy Project

The University of Redlands began preliminary construction activity for a Solar Covered Parking Energy project.

The selected company to build this energy-producing system is McKinstry, an industry leader in Solar energy design and construction.

For our University, McKinstry will construct Solar energy-producing covered parking canopies in two phases, and at two locations.  The first phase and location will be located in the East Lot, near the corner of Grove Street and Colton Avenue.  This phase is expected to be completed by September 30th, 2024.  Phase 2, which will begin construction during the summer of 2024, is planned to be completed by June 30th, 2025.

When both phases are completed, the university will be producing more than 1.5 Megawatts of energy daily; add as many as 10 new EV charging stations; and add additional energy in the form of battery storage.

5/15/24 Status Update: After a very successful Project Launch event on April 15th, the University’s Solar Energy Project has advanced to the final permitting review stages with Southern California Edison (SCE) and remains on track to begin construction in a few weeks. When it does, Phase I will begin with the building of a solar canopy in the East Parking Lot, which is planned to be online and generating power in this fall.

Completed Projects 

Tennis Complex

Through the Forever Yours campaign, the University has raised funds to build a new tennis complex. The modernized tennis facilities will better serve student athletes and the greater University community. For more information about the Forever Yours fundraising campaign, click the button below.  

Forever Yours Campaign

Fletcher Jones Computer Center Renovation

The University was awarded a grant from the Fletcher Jones Foundation to renovate the current Jones Computer Center on the ground floor of Armacost Library into a new Center for Experiential Learning. Renovations include new  furnishings and technology equipment that will allow students and faculty use this space to its full advantage. 

This project was completed May 2021.

Irrigation Upgrades on the Quad

The Quad irrigation project replaces an outdated irrigation system prone to costly breakdowns. The new irrigation system will lead to an increase in efficiency and a decrease in water usage. In addition to the new irrigation system, the Quad will receive new lighting installations for aesthetics and to improve campus safety. 

This project was completed September 2021.

Ted Runner Stadium Track Resurfacing

The Ashel Cunningham track at Ted Runner Stadium, installed in 2005, is being resurfaced with Benyon material. The newly resurfaced track will better serve student-athletes in practice and competitions.  

This project was completed in August 2021.

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University of Redlands Train Depot

The new Arrow Line passenger rail service terminates at the southern edge of campus, providing direct train service to San Bernardino and beyond.  A joint project between the University, the San Bernardino County Transporation Authority (SBCTA) and the City of Redlands, the University station features a new depot structure with architecture reminiscent of the campus, tree-lined platforms, and a parking lot for commuters.  A future phase will include a pedestrian gateway to campus and campus entrance plaza.  The SBCTA is managing the rail project and platform construction while the University is managing the street, platform, and parking lot improvements. Construction was completed in May 2021 with passenger rail service expected to begin in early 2022.

Click Here for Information from SBTCA

Irvine Commons Renovation

The Irvine Commons facility was updated with two new venues, completed in February 2020. The Launch Kitchen replaced the Plaza Market and features street food and special dishes cooked by guest chefs. The Den is located in the former University Club spaceThe Den features gastro pub food and brings the flavors of Redlands to the University by featuring beer on tap from Hangar 24 and beverages from Augie’s Coffee. 

School of Education

In 2017, the School of Education received a donation earmarked for renovating North University Hall. The renovations include introducing a non-traditional, technology enabled, interactive, and collaborative space to teach and learn. The project was completed in 2019, and also included an updated lobby, lounge area, and administrative offices.  

Grossmont Hall Renovations

Renovation of historic Grossmont Hall was completed on all three floors, including residence halls and restrooms. The scope of work included completely new air conditioning and heating systems. Renovations to communal student areas took placeThe student lounge was given an aesthetic lift with new paint, carpet, and furniture, while the communal kitchen received new appliances. The exterior of the building was also reconditioned with new paint, landscaping, light poles, and an ADA accessible ramp. The project began was completed in May 2017. 

Ted Runner Stadium Scoreboard

The previous scoreboard at the Ted Runner Stadium was installed in the mid-1980s and surpassed its useful life, and was replaced with an upgraded scoreboard at the opposite end of the field. The LED technology in the new scoreboard allows for better visibility, day or night, and uses substantially less electricity than the older model. The LED board displays pre-recorded video and graphics as well as live video and slow-motion replays. In addition to sporting events, the new video display can be utilized during other stadium events, such as the annual 4th of July celebration. 

Future Projects