Redlands Forum

A decade of captivating conversations

The Redlands Forum offers educational and cultural programs for the community to learn and engage with the important topics of our time. Starting with former U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey in 2009, the Forum has welcomed historians, environmentalists, representatives of law enforcement, musicians, and University of Redlands faculty to talk about current issues and events.

The Forum, sponsored by Esri and the University of Redlands Town & Gown, presents more than 20 programs each year. Usually held in the conference center on the Esri campus, the free event is often filled to capacity, attended by business leaders, students, and community members. Notable speakers have included anthropologist and environmentalist Dr. Jane Goodall, Atlantic reporter and author James Fallows, labor leader and activist Dolores Huerta, scientist Peter Raven, and Pulitzer-Prize-winning author Jared Diamond.

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U of R Diversity in Action Resident Abdur-Rahman Muhammad (right) accepts an honorary plaque from University Advancement Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations Anuradha Diekmann ’19, ’24. (Photo by Carrie Rosema)
Redlands Forum talk highlights independent research and criminal justice system

During a recent Redlands Forum, U of R Diversity in Action Resident Abdur-Rahman Muhammad detailed how his work led to the exoneration of two men wrongly convicted of killing Malcolm X.

Winemaker Wes Hagen ’92 explains how ancient societies first produced wine, which led to the expansion of wine culture around the world. (Photo by Carlos Puma)
From Pangaea to Pasteur: Alumnus speaks to the history of wine

During a recent Redlands Forum event, winemaker Wes Hagen ’92 explained how ancient societies first produced wine, leading to the expansion of wine culture around the world.

“The habit of figuring something out for yourself is an important thing to develop,” says investor and philanthropist Charlie Munger (center) at a Redlands Forum event hosted by Esri President Jack Dangermond (right) and A.K. Smiley Public Library Director Emeritus Larry Burgess ’67. (Photo by Carlos Puma)
Famed investor Charlie Munger shares insights into the ‘basic math of life’ at Redlands Forum

During a recent Redlands Forum event, philanthropist and investor Charlie Munger spoke with Esri President Jack Dangermond and A.K. Smiley Public Library Director Emeritus Larry Burgess ’67 about his lifelong pursuit of knowledge.