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Teach Grant | University of Redlands



Students who plan to teach may wish to consider the TEACH Grant. Please read the information below carefully as there are stringent eligibility requirements for this program.

In exchange for receiving the TEACH Grant a student must agree to serve as a full-time teacher in a high-need field at a school that serves low-income students (see below for a list of low-income schools in the U.S.). As a recipient of the grant, a student must teach at least four academic years within eight calendar years of completing their TEACH eligible program. 

Award Amount
The TEACH Grant program provides up to $4000 for students enrolled full-time in the University of Redland's Teacher Credential Program. Students who are attending less than full-time will have the grant pro-rated accordingly.

Teaching Obligation
Grant recipients agree to teach at least four full academic years within eight years of finishing their teacher preparation program, and to teach the majority of their classes in high-need subjects in a designated school that serves low-income students. If the recipient does not complete the teaching obligation, the grant will convert to an unsubsidized Stafford loan with interest accrued from the time of the initial grant disbursement. A grant that has converted to a loan cannot be reconverted to a grant.

At the University of Redlands students must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen

  • Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

  • Be a fully admitted student in the Teacher Credential Program and be making satisfactory academic progress toward completion

  • Complete an Agreement to Serve(ATS) and Entrance Counseling Online

  • Meet one of the following academic achievement requirements:

    • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 at the completion of their undergraduate degree to receive an initial disbursement -and- maintain a cumulative 3.25 GPA during the completion of the Teacher Credential Program to receive subsequent disbursements. -OR-

    • Demonstrate a score above the 75th percentile on any national standardized college admissions test (e.g. SAT, ACT, GRE) by submitting a paper copy of your test scores showing percentile ranking to Student Financial Services

High-Need Fields
Below is a list of eligible high-need fields in which a recipient may teach to fulfill their service obligation. Please note you must also be a highly-qualified teacher.

Schools Serving Low-Income Students
Schools serving low-income students include any elementary or secondary school that is listed in the Department of Education's Annual Directory of Designated Low-Income Schools for Teacher Cancellation Benefits.

Agreement to Serve (ATS) and Counseling Requirements
For each FAFSA year you receive a TEACH grant you must sign a TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve and Promise to Pay which is made available electronically on the U.S. Department of Education web site (see below under "Next Steps" for additional details on completing the ATS). The ATS serves as a contractual agreement between the U.S. Department of Education and the recipient whereby the recipient promises to complete their service obligation, and repay the grant as a loan if they do not complete the obligation.

Recipients must also complete entrance counseling along with their Agreement to Serve. Entrance counseling is made available online when students complete their ATS.

Students will also be required to complete TEACH Grant exit counseling upon graduation or leaving school for any other reason.

Next Steps
If you are enrolled in an eligible program at the University of Redlands, have read the above information, and would like to apply for the TEACH Grant, the following "next steps" should be taken:

  1. Complete admission requirements to the Teacher Credential Program with the School of Education [external link] (if not completed)

  2. Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) if not already completed

  3. Complete an Agreement to Serve and Entrance Counseling online with the Department of Education

  4. Submit a paper copy of your scores on at least one nationally normed admissions test (SAT/ACT/GRE) demonstrating a score above the 75th percentile. If you cannot qualify via the test scores Student Financial Services will review your cumulative GPA from your undergraduate degree. If you qualify via a 3.25 cumulative GPA from your undergraduate studies, you will need to maintain a 3.25 GPA during your credential program to receive subsequent disbursements.

When you have completed the requirements above, please feel free to contact your Student Financial Services Coordinator in Student Financial Services to verify receipt and verification of the above eligibility requirements.

Teach Grant Exit Counseling
If you have graduated from your program and need to know "What's next?" please complete your federally required exit counseling for the Teach Grant program. Exit Counseling will cover in more detail the teaching obligations of this grant, as well as how often and to whom you must report your teaching service obligation.