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Additional opportunities to share feedback | University of Redlands

Additional opportunities to share feedback

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Thank you for your robust engagement in our strategic planning process.  Last week, we had six more strategic planning sessions together – four academic assemblies and one staff/faculty town hall, and one Alumni Board meeting – that engaged over 430 of you in person and online. 

Your questions, comments, and feedback during our meetings showed a passion and investment in the University of Redlands, our students, and one another that was extraordinary.  Yet again, I saw your strong commitment to ensuring that our wonderful University thrives into the future. 

We all know that these are very challenging times in higher education. To be successful as a University, we must commit to moving forward together.  Therefore, it is important that we chart our vision for the future thoughtfully, authentically, and boldly. 

The proposed visionary framework for the strategic plan, including the revised draft of our mission statement, our shared culture, vision, values, and five-year goals and objectives, proved to be great springboards for discussion.  We learned where there was great alignment on the insights previously collected from you, and we heard where more refinement is necessary. 

You have another opportunity to share your feedback on the proposed visionary framework.  On our strategic planning page you will find a link to a survey with particular questions and the opportunity to provide additional input on the framework for our strategic plan. I strongly encourage everyone to complete the survey and provide feedback on things you like, constructive criticism, and new suggestions.  The survey will remain open through Friday, September 30.  Remember, you must log into your MyRedlands account to view the page.  

On the strategic planning site, you will also be able to find a copy of the Proposed Framework for our Shared Mission, Vision, and Strategy, the slides from last week’s meetings, Simpson Scarborough’s market research, and a link to the video of the Staff/Faculty Town Hall.

We will be compiling themes from the feedback provided and revising the visionary framework to reflect your suggestions for improvement.  The framework with your feedback will be presented to the Board of Trustees at their October meeting and then a final version of the framework will be shared with the campus. 

Thank you, again, for your continued commitment to this process and to building a bright future for the University of Redlands.


Krista Newkirk signature

Krista L. Newkirk