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More opportunities to stay involved and influence the Strategic Plan | University of Redlands

More opportunities to stay involved and influence the Strategic Plan

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

In the past month, we have held seven strategic planning sessions together – at each of the Academic Assemblies, the Alumni Board meeting, the Staff/Faculty Town Hall, and the Student Town Hall.  In addition, the Vimeo recordings of the Staff/Faculty and Student Town Halls have been viewed 239 times.  Following these sessions, we received 210 survey responses to the proposed visionary framework for the strategic plan.

Your participation and engagement have been extraordinary and evidence your strong and continued commitment to the University of Redlands.  Thank you for your partnership and great ideas!

We synthesized your feedback from the sessions, the survey, your emails, and other formats, and based on your suggestions, we changed the proposed visionary framework. This past weekend, we presented the revised framework to the Board of Trustees at their October Meeting for their endorsement.  I am happy to report that the Trustees approved the revised framework.  In the coming days and weeks, we strongly encourage your participation to discuss the revised framework.  We will also be hosting future sessions to finalize the plan as a whole and to develop with you the actions we will take to support the goals and vision. 

There are many opportunities for you to stay involved and influence the Strategic Plan.

We hope you will join us:

University Assembly
Friday, October 14 at 3:15 p.m.
Faculty Only

Staff/Faculty Town Hall
Monday, October 17 at 3:30 p.m.
Orton Center and via Vimeo (link coming soon)
Food and drinks provided
Staff Release Time is Authorized
Please RSVP here

Student Town Hall
Monday, October 17 at 7:00 p.m.
Orton Center and via Vimeo (link coming soon)
Food and drinks provided
Please RSVP here

Faculty Retreat
Saturday, October 29
Faculty Only

Thank you again for everything you are doing to make our Strategic Planning process as robust, meaningful, and inclusive as possible.


Krista Newkirk signature

Krista L. Newkirk