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Redlands-Presidio: More Opportunities to Share Feedback | University of Redlands

Redlands-Presidio: More Opportunities to Share Feedback

Dear Faculty and Staff, 

During our December 1 University Town Hall, we announced our plans to merge with the Presidio Graduate School.  Dean Horan and I appreciate the time many of you took to attend.  We are encouraged by the positive response expressed by the University community.

We appreciate your questions and input, as they will inform our planning and implementation, which will begin in earnest after the holidays.  As we mentioned, part of this planning includes an internal Academic Task Force headed by Provost McCormick, as well as across the U of R/PGS implementation teams.

We made this announcement early in the process (one day after signing the Merger Agreement) to be as transparent as possible, to listen and understand your feedback, and to work through the details with you to ensure a smooth transition on July 1, 2023.  Should you wish to submit additional observations, ideas, or questions to us, please send them to

You can find details on the merger and the town hall recording at:


Krista Newkirk signature

Krista L. Newkirk