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Forever Starts Today | University of Redlands

Forever Starts Today

Last night, we announced the Forever Yours campaign’s final record-breaking $207.2 million completion—exceeding our $200 million goal. We were successful because 15,573 donors, including many of you, gave back to the University of Redlands. While these results are impressive, the real power of this campaign is that it brought people together and reminded them of their love for this great University. Their generosity set an example for the next generation that leaves a tremendous legacy for our University today, tomorrow, and forever.

The campaign supports the University’s balanced commitment to all aspects of learning, including:

  • Scholarship promise, ensuring need- and merit-based student scholarships and financial aid ($126.4 million);
  • Personalized education, supporting endowed faculty positions and academic programs ($42.4 million);
  • Experiential learning, benefiting educational opportunities for students outside of the classroom including Bulldog athletics, Community Service Learning, and student clubs/organizations ($17.1 million);
  • Educational innovation, creating and sustaining new ways of learning, including the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies ($13.8 million); and
  • Global perspectives, providing study away experiences for students around the world ($7.5 million).

When Forever Yours was envisioned in 2013, some of you shaped its goals, helping identify our greatest needs, for which this campaign secured much-needed support. To hear stories about how the generous contributions of the Forever Yours campaign have benefitted students, faculty, and our University community, view our video.

I want to thank the Trustees, the Campaign Leadership Committee, and my Cabinet, whose collective service and dedication got us to this historic milestone. I also want to recognize Vice President for Advancement Tamara Josserand and the Advancement team for their tireless efforts to make this campaign a resounding success. And lastly, I want to thank all of you. Your dedicated work as scholars, as educators, and as professionals continues to distinguish the Redlands experience.

Yesterday’s inauguration festivities demonstrated the best of our University community, and celebrating the success of the Forever Yours campaign was the perfect way to top off the day. I am sincerely grateful to all of you who participated yesterday and extend a warm personal thanks to those whose hard work and planning made such an unforgettable day possible.

Please know how fortunate I consider myself to be your president. Have a wonderful and safe spring break!

Krista signature

Krista Newkirk