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Invitation to the next phase of Strategic Planning | University of Redlands

Invitation to the next phase of Strategic Planning

Dear Faculty and Staff,

I am writing today to invite you to participate in the next phase of strategic planning and to thank you for your ongoing commitment to this process.

My top priority in my first year as your president has been to engage you in meaningful discussions about what makes the University of Redlands unique and special, as well as opportunities to evolve as an institution to attract new students and serve them even better. 

Over the past 13 months, we have come together in spaces and places all over campus and beyond in faculty and staff department meetings, Cookies with Cookie, URSAA meetings, faculty assemblies, alumni events, meetings and meals with student groups, and many more settings so you could share your vision for the University of Redlands.  Together, we have had over 115 meetings with attendance reaching almost 10,000 people!

In addition, AGB, our strategic planning partner, has led six town halls with our community, as well as conducted external market research with high school counselors and employers.

This week, we have new opportunities for you to engage in the next phase of our strategic planning:

Wednesday, September 14
School of Business and Society Faculty Assembly
School of Education Faculty Assembly
Graduate School of Theology Faculty Assembly

Thursday, September 15

College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Assembly

Friday, September 16
All Staff and Faculty Town Hall
12:15 – 1:15 in Orton and Via Zoom
(Zoom link to be provided soon)
RSVP here

Thursday, September 29
All Student Town Hall
12:15 – 1:15 in Orton and Via Zoom

In preparation for our discussions this week, we invite you to visit our new Strategic Planning website where you can find a draft framework document that we can use as springboards for conversation.  Please note, you will need to log into your MyRedlands account to view the page.  These documents contain your input distilled into a draft visionary framework for the strategic plan, including a revised draft of our mission statement, our shared culture, values and five-year goals and objectives.

We hope you will participate in the sessions this week.  Following these sessions, we will send to you a survey so that you can respond to what you have heard.  I am committed to listening to your feedback, comparing new insights to those we have collected from you previously, and ensuring our vision is inclusive of your input as we move forward together.  

Thank you for your continued commitment to this process and to building a bright future for the University of Redlands.

I look forward to seeing you this week!



Krista Newkirk signature

Krista L. Newkirk