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Center for Spatial Business Awards | University of Redlands

Center for Spatial Business Awards

The Center for Spatial Business honors excellence by recognizing School of Business & Society undergraduate and graduate students (MBA, Location Analytics Concentration) and the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Business undergraduates for outstanding course projects involving business applications of GIS.


Undergraduate Award: Fernando Frias, Grant Gardner, and James Mullen (B.S. in Business Administration)

This year’s Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Business GIS is awarded to Fernando Frias, Grant Gardner, and James Mullen, students in the B.S. in Business Administration program for their project in the BUSB 433 core course, “Site Selection for EV Charging Stations.”  

This project concerned optimizing the placement of electric vehicle charging stations for southern California Edison (SCE). The sought to apply spatial analytic to a variety of data to identify the five locations in the Inland Empire most suitable for constructing new EV charging stations. Since there are projected to have over 12 million electric vehicles in Calif by 2035, there will be a surge in electricity generation. They propose that the SCE EV charging stations would likely lead to increased SCE revenue to fund sustainable initiatives. Their project’s five new charging stations can serve as a pilot program.

They justify this plan using Harvard professor Michael Porter’s competitive forces framework. 

Using ArcGIS Online, map layers of information on current EV charging stations, US electric power transmission lines, world traffic data, and additional map layers on income, household ownership, and attitudes towards non-fossil-based vehicles,  they were able through location analytics to determine the five best EV charging station locations. They refined this further by overlaying proximity to freeways. One of the optimal EV charging locations is in South Redlands.

Graduate Award: Michelle Jennings and Susanne Ma (B.S. in Business Administration)

This year’s Graduate Award for Excellence in Business GIS is awarded to Michelle Jennings and Susanne Ma, students in the MS in Business Analytics program for their project in the BUAN 630 course, “Site Selection of EV Charging Stations.” 

Their project goal is to examine 70 years of spatial progression of restrictive covenants in Marin County, from 1911 to the end of the 1980s. This study included the perspective of notable historical events nationally and locally in restrictive covenants during the seven decades. The mapping analysis shows small hotspots of restrictive covenants starting in 1911-1929.  The 1930’s shows much broader restrictive covenants in urban areas of Marin County, a pattern  tied to the aftermath of the 1926 Supreme Court decision ruling in favor of racially restrictive covenants.

The mapping of Marin restrictive covenants by decade continues to build up in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, with finally the Fair Housing Act of 1968 banning housing discriminations and legally stopping racially restrictive covenants. However, mapping in the 70s shows redactions but surprising new restrictive covenants for age i.e. preventing sales to families or single parents with children under 14 years.

The project report carries the redaction process forward to 2024 and summarizes that out of 13,400 restrictive covenants, the County has redacted 9,400.  The report further compares county’s ethic/racial geographic pattern in 2020, which has considerably higher Hispanic/Latino percentage, to remaining restrictive covenants, revealing remaining restrictive covenants to be in predominantly white areas. The report finishes with a set of visualizations that reinforce the spatial findings.


IMG_8186.jpgUndergraduate Award: Tiffany Keller and Belinda Enriquez (Bachelor of Science in Business, 2023, School of Business & Society)

The project provides a novel and innovative solution using GIS for enhancing guest experiences in the hospitality industry in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using location intelligence, Tiffany and Belinda proposed a novel solution for matching guests staying at two renowned hotel chains to different types of experiences that guests seek out while staying at a hotel and visiting an area unbeknownst to them. To do this, Tiffany and Belinda proposed the use of loyalty programs and related loyalty program data to develop insights about guest personas and blend this information with GIS to provide recommendations to guests to seek out adventures and experiences that align with their personas. This enhances the guests’ experience and improves the likelihood of increased customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and retention. In their project, Tiffany and Belinda demonstrated their grasp of the spatial business principles and their ability to operationalize these principles into a workable, novel solution for hotels using GIS data, mapping, and analysis, using Esri’s ArcGIS online and Business analyst webapps. Their project report was well-researched, well-written, and commended by the Selection Committee for its clear articulation of business value and was recommended by Dr. Fang Ren, Professor of GIS.

Photo right: Tiffany Keller (second from right) and Belinda Enriquez (second from left) with Drs. Ren (far right) and Sarkar at the School of Business & Society Awards and Scholarship luncheon, March 31, 2023, at the University of Redlands.


Undergraduate Award: Michael Driscoll, Enrique Moreno, and Alexis Silva-Morales (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, 2023, College of Arts & Sciences) 

Micheal, Enrique, and Alexis This team focused on ChargePoint, an electric vehicle infrastructure (charging station) company. This is an especially relevant company given the rise in market interest in electric vehicles and the rise in gas prices. This project used Esri’s living atlas and business analyst data to evaluate locations for expansion as well as partnership with other businesses that would provide amenities. Micheal and his peers presented their findings using an Esri story map highlighting the process of how the company evaluated their sites. In nominating this project, faculty expert Chad Lopez stated that --- “This project leverages excellent use of GIS and location analytics principles as well as Esri software and related skills they learned in this class. This project also stands out to me because I have worked professionally with ChargePoint and their project aligns very well with what the company is doing now.”


Undergraduate Award: Ricardo Garavito (BUS ’23)

This project addressed spatially the best possible location to grow Blu Chip Financial Services LLC. The ESRI system allowed for research of the top 10 competitors within the industry using the NAICS code. Layers of maps were utilized with populations of individuals 18 and over and within a 15-minute drivetime analysis. The information identified the prime areas to open an office. In addition to the ESRI system, outside real estate websites that matched the criteria of the leading offices in the tax industry were referenced.

Graduate Award: Pavani Pattipati (MBA, Location Analytics and GIS '21)

This project addressed Predictive Spatial  Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic using ArcGIS tools. Understanding the spatial-temporal dynamics of COVID-19 is critical to its mitigation and controlling the spread of the disease.  As the pandemic continues, predictive spatial analytics with ArcGIS tools will continue to play a significant role in monitoring the impact of the virus, from patient outcomes to areas of increased disease spread. 


Graduate Award: Mahendra Aseri 

This project addressed Predictive Spatial  Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic using ArcGIS tools. Understanding the spatial-temporal dynamics of COVID-19 is critical to its mitigation and controlling the spread of the disease.  As the pandemic continues, predictive spatial analytics with ArcGIS tools will continue to play a significant role in monitoring the impact of the virus, from patient outcomes to areas of increased disease spread.


Undergraduate Award: Tricia Methe (BUS ’21)

Tricia’s project utilized GIS to visualize the program for support of homeless youth in the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD). Using federal data, homeless youth were identified by location and their geographic patterns analyzed relative to low-income areas and to school sites in the district, verifying there were homeless youth within every school area. 

Undergraduate Award: Chris Wasson (BUS ’21)

In his project, Chris addressed how to improve locational choices in the musical instrument retail industry to gain competitive advantage. It focuses on how a major retailer, the Guitar Center, can strategically locate new retail stores in southern California by using a geofencing strategy to reduce lost sales and increase competitiveness.

Undergraduate Award: Mercedez Speaker (BUS ’21)

Mercedez’s project analyzed sales potential of residential properties in areas of Redlands/Loma Linda with lower populations densities. Mercedez created a new spatial approach that drew on data including debt, home equity, and turnover rate to narrow the target, leading to smart map targeting to identify the property within the low-density areas of the cities with the best potential to be sold.

Graduate Award: Jordan Gomez (MBA ’21)

Jordan, Tridev, and Gerardo developed a information product that can support engineering staff in network staking design and conduit mapping for a fiber network, leading to the spatial mapping of the optimal arrangement of fiber links and network assets. The project shows efficiency in network processing and includes a database model, migration plan, workflow implications, and risk assessment framework.

Graduate Award: Tridev Raut (MBA ’21)  

Jordan, Tridev, and Gerardo developed a information product that can support engineering staff in network staking design and conduit mapping for a fiber network, leading to the spatial mapping of the optimal arrangement of fiber links and network assets. The project shows efficiency in network processing and includes a database model, migration plan, workflow implications, and risk assessment framework.

Graduate Award: Gerardo Unzueta (MBA ’21)  

Jordan, Tridev, and Gerardo developed a information product that can support engineering staff in network staking design and conduit mapping for a fiber network, leading to the spatial mapping of the optimal arrangement of fiber links and network assets. The project shows efficiency in network processing and includes a database model, migration plan, workflow implications, and risk assessment framework.


Graduate Award: Maria Patino Gonzalez (MBA ’20), Alex Irigoyen (MBA ’20), Alton Edenfield (MBA ’20)

These three students received the graduate Spatial Business Award for optimal siting of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) on a university campus using GIS. The project considers the location of campus facilities such as buildings and athletic facilities and the relative location of potential users in the event of an on-campus emergency.

Undergraduate Award: Jennifer Bassford (BUS ’21)

Jennifer received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for a project that used GIS to analyze loan promotions at a local Credit Union in Southern California. Jennifer used data from Esri’s Business Analyst Web App to help determine branch expansion and to help identify potential credit union customers who are likely to qualify a home equity line of credit. Her project is distinguished for its simple yet effective cartographic choices and the effective use of GIS for more informed data-driven decisions during a marketing campaign.


Undergraduate Award: Mariah Sanchez (BUS ’19)

Maria received a Department of Business Administration and Management Undergraduate Award of Excellence for GIS in Business for her study entitled “CAL FIRE Risk and Hazard Assessment App.” This paper explains how GIS can assist CAL FIRE to identify geographic areas of risk that can support the unique challenges of a contemporary fire service.

Undergraduate Award: Alex Estrada (BUS ’19)

Alex received a Department of Business Administration and Management Undergraduate Award of Excellence for GIS in Business for his paper entitled “Kohl’s Application: Potential Retail Growth and Current Customer Behaviors.”  The study created an app to allow managers and analysts at Kohl’s to compare market opportunities for retail growth by mapping retail spending, consumer behavior, and supply and demand for retailers in counties across the US.

Undergraduate Award: Jason Wolff (BUS ’18)

Jason received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for a project that examined the spatial qualities of the distribution network for Aeon, a small company that repairs and sells disc drives.

Graduate Award: Mickey Betancourt (MBA ’18), Robert Ping (MBA ’18), and Daniela Belsaguy (MBA ’18)

These three students received the graduate Spatial Business Award for their research of the East Valley Water District and the aging of the company’s water pipes.


Undergraduate Award: Justin Dunaway-Perez (BUS ‘16, MBA '17) and John McDermott (BUS ‘15, MBA '17)

These two students received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for developing a tactical response plan using GIS for the Lake Elsinore Fire Department (LEFD), in the event of emergencies. Existing fire station locations along with their service areas were analyzed using a GIS to identify parts of the city where LEFD response times could be improved and additional resources such as fire trucks and additional stations needed to be deployed. This is essential for planning and developing public policy for growing cities such as Lake Elsinore. 

Undergraduate Award: Nicole Moayedi (BUS ‘19)

Nicole received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for their project to use GIS to predict real estate trends that real estate companies could rely upon to make informed decisions. Their GIS model predicts which residential areas in Los Angeles County were likely to be gentrified and what are the indicators for it. The GIS model took into consideration the political, economic, socio-technological, environmental, and legal impacts of gentrification as applicable to the real estate industry. 

Graduate Award: Karisa Schroeder (MBA ’18), Scott Daly (MBA ‘18)

Karissa and Scott received the graduate Spatial Business Award for “Airbnb Premier: Ile-de-France, Paris; A GIS Business Proposal”. The purpose of this GIS research project was to identify listings for Airbnb Paris that would be applicable for an Airbnb Premier service. The project explored how Airbnb could expand its business model from couch-surfing to quality-guaranteed listings by use of GIS technology. The project analyzed public data to evaluate the market value of listings, perceived value based on reviews, and spatial analysis based on the proximity to popular vacation spots, hotel services, and metro lines. By using Tableau and ArcGIS software, the project determined three areas to focus which include Buttes-Montmartre, Popincourt, and Vaugirard.


Undergraduate Award: Bethany Sloan (BUS ’17)

Bethany received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for a project that provided information on her small firm’s online business customers located across the United States. She successfully geo-referenced the 500 retailers that make direct purchases of her firm’s customer base. That allowed her to spatially analyze and gain a greater understanding of her customer base data. 

Undergraduate Award: Jonathan Hrovat (BUS ’17)

Jonathan received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for spatial analysis of a very large dataset of micro-loans provided by to impoverished borrowers worldwide. Through the mapping of very large datasets, he was able to see and interpret the spatial trends for Kiva’s lenders and to discover more effective approaches to supporting microfinance. For Kenya, he did a more detailed analysis of loans by proximity to food, agriculture, irrigation, and population.

Undergraduate Award: Zaid Alsaadeh (BUS ‘17), Charles Anderson (BUS ‘14, MBA '17), Tanya D Bonelli (BUS ‘17), Brittany Miller (HIST '14, MS GIS '16)

received the graduate Spatial Business Award for using GIS for identifying gap opportunities for a small luxury greeting card firm. They developed a GIS application to identify customers with preferred attributes, and geographically located prime Southern California market areas by zip codes. They chose ideal store locations based on detailed mapping of greeting card consumption, wealthy incomes, and drive-time distances.


Undergraduate Award: Jeremy Young (BUS ’16)

Jeremy received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for reviewing a process of creating a new GIS application and the benefits of spatially analyzing a new location for Yo-Way Eatery restaurant.

Undergraduate Award: Tony Molnar (BUS ’16)

Tony received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for analyzing strategic dispatch operations using GIS for M3 Mechanical, a mechanical and electrical contracting business.

Graduate Award: Jeffery Bertotti (MBA ’16), David Crawford (MBA ’16), Lisa Lee (MBA ’16)

received the graduate Spatial Business Award for producing a marketing plan targeting the senior population for Planet Fitness using ArcGIS and ESRI’s Tapestry Segmentation data.


Undergraduate Award: Christopher Bubela (BUS ’15)

Christopher received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for describing a framework for GIS-based quality analysis tools using ESRI’s ArcGIS Desktop that can be utilized by TRDI’s customers, marketing, and engineers. It also illustrates an example of GIS analysis for the measurement and processing of quality data.

Graduate Award: Jessica Rosales (MBA ’15)

Jessica received the graduate Spatial Business Award for examining the process of choosing an overseas career opportunity based on a set of criteria that is benchmarked against the United States. Information used in the decision-making process is shown via maps and charts.


Undergraduate Award: April Hopps (BUS ’13)

April received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for her study of workplace transportation improvements at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Norco, CA.

Graduate Award: Steven Moore (MBA ’13)

Steven received the graduate Spatial Business Award for analysis on the spatial extent of the steel production industry and how it has changed globally over recent years.


Undergraduate Award: Betty D. Crocker (BUS ’12)

Betty received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for using ArcGIS and Tapestry Segmentation data to visually inspect locations for Southeast Asia parents who want to send their children to the United States for education.

Undergraduate Award: Aaron Cassidy Bishop (BUS ’12)

Aaron received the undergraduate Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Award for designing a not-for-profit business model describing hoe to use Google Earth, US Census data, ArcGIS Online, and Ushahidi’s Crowdmap to provide vital geospatial services to families in search of missing persons.