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Student Awards in GIS | University of Redlands

Student Awards in GIS

Special recognition of students in GIS and Spatial Business

Each spring, the University recognizes students for their accomplishments in GIS at the  Spatial University Symposium.


Roger Tomlinson Prize for Excellence in GIS

The Roger Tomlinson Prize for Excellence in GIS is awarded to one undergraduate student and one graduate student in the College of Arts of Sciences each year. The prize is given to students who demonstrate:

  • Academic excellence in GIS-related classes
  • Demonstrated professional interest in GIS through community service, internships, employment, and other activities
  • Creative application of geospatial technologies for research, instruction, community service, and other applications

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Center for Spatial Business Awards

The Center for Spatial Business honors excellence by recognizing School of Business & Society undergraduate and graduate students (MBA, Location Analytics Concentration) and the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Business undergraduates for outstanding course projects involving business applications of GIS.

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