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Debra Chasnoff to Visit | University of Redlands

Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker visits University of Redlands

January 26, 2015

Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Debra Chasnoff will be at the University of Redlands February 2 - 5, 2015, as the 2015 Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow.

On Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 7 p.m. in Orton Center, Chasnoff will present,"Lights! Camera! Activism! Using Documentary Film to Forge Social Change," discussing the strategies she has used to advocate for social, economic and environmental justice over the last 30 years.

Showing clips from her highly acclaimed films-It's Elementary – Talking About Gay Issues in School; Deadly Deception – Nuclear Weapons, which won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject; General Electric, and Our Environment; and Straightlaced – How Gender's Got Us All Tied Up-Chasnoff will share her journey from campus activist to one of the nation's top filmmakers.

This presentation is free and open to the public. Chasnoff will spend the remainder of her week at the University of Redlands visiting classes and meeting with students, discussing her films as well as activism, social justice, the media, and community-building.