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Event to remember violence, promote peace | University of Redlands

Event to reflect on violence, promote peace

As the first anniversary of the violent Dec. 2, 2015 attack in San Bernardino approaches, the campus and community will gather to promote peace and understanding.

The University of Redlands and the Redlands Area Interfaith Council will host a public gathering  7:30 p.m., Nov. 19,  to promote peace and understanding as the community approaches the first anniversary of the violent Dec. 2, 2015 attack in San Bernardino.

“Bridges of Peace from Shadows of Grief,” will feature a time of reflection and remembrance led by world-renowned theologian Miroslav Volf, professor of systematic theology and founding director of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture.

Internationally known as a “theologian of the bridge," Volf is an intellectual whose career has centered on offering practical and scholarly insights to facilitate peace among conflicting cultures and viewpoints.

“When our own personal faith is what gives meaning to our life, and we come to understand that another person’s faith is as valuable as our own, we find common ground,” says UR Chaplain John Walsh. “I know of few people who can make this as real as Miroslav Volf.”

During the Dec. 2, 2015 attack at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, two shooters killed 14 people and wounded 21 others. Following the shock of that incident, the community gathered together for vigils and a call for peace.