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Summer science researchers to present findings | University of Redlands

Summer science researchers to present findings

University of Redlands students who spent 10 weeks of their summer researching topics in biology, chemistry, environmental science and physics will present their findings at the Student Summer Science Research Poster Session, 7 p.m., Wednesday September 28, 2016 in Hedco Hall on the Redlands campus.

The Summer Science Research program is a donor-funded opportunity for students to focus on a research project working alongside a professor. Chemistry Professor Rebecca Lyons says she is thrilled with her students’ progress and quality of work. “We gathered reams of data this summer, something we could never have done during a regular semester schedule. This is what creates ownership of the project—the deep digging into the research in a significant way.”

A student explains her poster to University President Dr. Ralph Kuncl.

A student explains her poster to University President Dr. Ralph Kuncl.

Tessa Foster ’17 has been researching marine mammals with Biology Professor Lei Lani Stelle. She says the experience was invaluable. “I learned what the life of a field researcher is like. The experience fueled my passion for marine mammal research, and I am so grateful.”

Research to be presented includes: 

•Biology: “Distribution and Behavioral Analysis of Marine Mammals in Southern California”—Adrian Laufer and Tessa Foster working with Dr. Lei Lani Stelle.

•Biology: “The Microclimate inside a Packrat’s Nest”—Brian Keyser working with Dr. James Malcolm.

•Biology: “The Coloration of The Bright Patches of Woodpeckers” —Matthew Hawkins working with Dr. James Malcolm.

•Biology: “An Analysis of the Feeding Preferences of Xenopus laevis tadpoles”—Eun Ju Kwon and Linda Luo working with Dr. Caryl Forristall.

•Biology: “Importance of neuromodulator for regulation of inflammatory pathways that remodel the prepartum cervix” —Nicole Neiman working with Dr. Steven Yellon, a Loma Linda University partner.

•Biology: “Does Apoptosis in the Cervix Contribute to Prepartum Remodeling in Mice?" — Julia Tapelband working with Dr. Steven Yellon, a Loma Linda University partner..

•Biology: “Ascorbic Acid Activated Prolyl Hydroxylase Domain Protein Inhibitors could regulate Osteoblast Apoptosis” and “Hormonal Regulation of Kinase Suppressor of Ras 1 and the implications in Prepubertal Endochondral Ossification” —Christopher Sekula working with Dr. Subburaman Mohan, a Loma Linda University partner. 

•Chemistry: “Synthesis and Characterization of Ruthenium Complexes containing Polypyridyl and modified Chloroquine ligands: Reactivity with DNA” —Kyle Arriola working with Dr. Henry Acquaye.

•Chemistry: “Synthesis, characterization, and Reactivity with DNA of Copper-Centered Complexes” —Alex Phillips working with Dr. Henry Acquaye.

• Chemistry: “New Ruthenium complexes for Anticancer Activity: Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization, and Reactivity with CT-DNA” —Jacob Khuri, working with Dr. Henry Acquaye

•Chemistry: “The Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Complexes: Applications as Oxidative Catalysts,” — Joshua Lieberman working with Dr. Henry Acquaye.

•Chemistry: “Quantification and Correlation of 4-Nonylpehnol in the Human Body via Urinalysis and the Environment through Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Gas, and Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy” —Aaron Jensen working with Dr. Rebecca Lyons.

•Chemistry: "The development and calibration of a two-stage active air sampler for PM10's and non-polar aerosols"—Danielle Burns working with Dr. Rebecca Lyons.

•Chemistry: "The desorption of 4-nonylphenol from suspended sediment in spring runoff in the Sierra Nevada mountains"—Trevor Togashi working with Dr. Rebecca Lyons.

•Chemistry: "The Impact of 2,4-D and Glyphosate on the Eelgrass Population of the San Juan Archipelago"—Jessica Kolsky working with Dr. Rebecca Lyons.

•Chemistry: “The Isolation and Extraction of Psychoactive Alkaloids from Sceletium Tortuosum for Potential Dosage Studies” —Laura and Leslie Maurer working with Dr. David Schrum.

•Chemistry: “Analyses of Analgesics and β-Amyloid Peptide via Liquid Chromatography Techniques” —Chad Bowyer with Dr. David Schrum.

•Chemistry: “Using Capillary Electrophoresis to Investigate Enzyme Substrate Systems by Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis” —Sydney Finkbohner with Dr. David Schrum.

•Environmental Science: “Tree Rings as a Record of Climate and Pollution in Southern California,” —Scout Dahms-May working with Dr. Hillary Jenkins.

•Environmental Science: “Using ArcGIS to Enhance Course Laboratories and Scientific Research” —Amy Whetter working with Dr’s. Hilary Jenkins, Rebecca Lyons, and Lei Lani Stelle.

•Physics: “Evaluate and Improve the Research-Grade Scanning Tunneling Microscope” —Larry Dang working with Dr. Eric Hill.

•Physics: “Quantitative measurements of active Ionian volcanoes in Galileo NIMS data” —Sebastian Saballett working with Dr. Julie Rathbun.

•Physics: “Measuring Light Pollution Levels Around Redlands and Campus “—Erik Mathison working with Dr. Tyler Nordgren.

•Physics: “Deconvolution of IRTF Observations of Jupiter’s Moon Io” —Hannah Wernher working with Dr. Julie Rathbun.