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Crime Reporting | University of Redlands

Crime Reporting

The University encourages all community members to voluntarily, accurately and promptly report all crimes to the Department of Public Safety and the appropriate police agencies.  All crime reporting will be reviewed by the Department of Public Safety for the purposes of distributing Timely Warning notices and inclusion in the Annual Crime Report.  Community members may also report crimes on a confidential basis.  University community members have the option to file a report with the Redlands Police Department in addition to filing a report with the Department of Public Safety.  Filing two reports enhances the capability of locating the suspect by utilizing both the University and Redlands Police Department investigative resources.  In situations where a member of the campus community is incapacitated or otherwise unable to report a crime to Public Safety and/or the Redlands Police Department on their own, the University will facilitate the reporting on their behalf.  To report an in-progress crime occurring on campus, call Public Safety at ext. 8888 or 911 immediately.  To report a past incident, call Public Safety at ext. 8888 from any on-campus phone, or (909) 748-8888, if calling from off campus.  Public Safety works in conjunction with the Redlands Police Department on major crimes such as: murder, sexual assault, arson, robbery, auto theft and aggravated assault – bringing to the University resources from both Public Safety and the Redlands Police Department.   The most recent 60 days of Daily Activity Logs and crime report summaries may be viewed at the Public Safety Office.  In addition, the Student Affairs Office and Public Safety will answer all questions raised by students and parents whenever possible.

For crimes which occur outside the jurisdiction of the Redlands Police Department, the Department of Public Safety will assist in directing the student to the appropriate agency to investigate and document the incident.

Public Safety Reports and Records

All reports and records compiled and maintained by the Department of Public Safety shall be considered law enforcement records and are governed by the California Government Code and United States Code.  For more information, contact the Chief of Public Safety.  For questions about student records, please contact either Student Affairs (909) 748-8053, or the Registrar’s Office (909) 748-8019.