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Campus Safety Reporting | University of Redlands

Policies for Preparing the Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics

Regarding the annual disclosure of crime statistics, the Chief of Public Safety is responsible for distributing an annual notice to all students and employees describing where and how the University's annual security report can be obtained. The Human Resources Department is responsible to provide notice to all prospective employees and the Admissions Departments are responsible for all prospective students.

The University's annual crime statistics are available electronically. A paper copy will be provided to a requestor. All requests can be made to the Department of Public Safety, Student Affairs, Human Resources, or Admissions Offices. An annual notice is also distributed to all students and employees regarding the availability and location to obtain the University's annual security report.

On an annual basis, the Director of Public Safety is responsible for gathering and submitting the crime statistics for the campus. They will make requests from the Vice President/Dean of Student Affairs, counselors, chaplain, and/or other pertinent campus security authorities to obtain the applicable crime statistics. Crime statistics will also be requested from the local police department for the University and contiguous property.

All crimes should be reported to Public Safety or a Campus Security Authority as noted below (defined as someone with "significant responsibility for student and campus activities").

  • Department of Public Safety Staff (ALL)

  • Student Affairs

  • VP/Dean of Student Affairs

  • Associate Deans of Student Affairs

  • Assistant Dean of Student Affairs

  • Director of Residence Life and Housing

  • Director Community Service Learning

  • Director Student Leadership and Involvement

  • Assistant Director of Student Affairs

  • Director of Athletics, Associate Athletic Directors, Coaches

  • Judicial/Conduct Affairs

  • Director of Student Employment

  • Director International Student Services

  • Advisors to student groups or organizations

  • Director of Campus Diversity and Inclusion

The University encourages all victims or witnesses of a crime to immediately report any incident to any of the above positions. Reports can be made on a voluntary basis and all such reports are processed immediately, and in certain cases are on a confidential basis for inclusion in the annual security report.