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Policies, Ethics, and MOU with RPD | University of Redlands

Policies, Ethics, and MOU with RPD



As members of the University of Redlands, Department of Public Safety, our mission is to ensure the highest standards of safety, security, and service are maintained on, and adjacent to, the University campus, in order to contribute towards, and enhance the quality of University life. This is accomplished through fostering a stable environment in which security is balanced with freedom of movement, and individual rights are balanced with community needs.


The success of this Mission depends on a true partnership between Public Safety, the diverse student population, administration, staff, faculty, and guests who comprise the University Community – a partnership built on mutual trust, respect and responsibility.

Through this partnership, members of the Department of Public Safety are committed to: Respecting the needs and rights of the community; diligence and professionalism in the protection of persons, property, and rights; and determination to seek new and innovative methods to reduce opportunity for crime. This will be accomplished through education, prevention, intervention and enforcement.

As with any successfully partnership, it is incumbent that all students, staff, faculty, and administrators fully accept their individual and collective responsibilities to make the University a place which is free of fear and to provide a civil and orderly environment which fosters learning, research, recreation, creativity, and respect.

In achieving these goals, the Department of Public Safety stands accountable to the University community and open to the ideas and concerns of its members.