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ASUR Cabinet | University of Redlands

ASUR Cabinet

ASUR Cabinet is a culmination of the highest leaders on campus. Members of the cabinet are chosen each year by the ASUR President-Elect after an application process. They then must be interviewed and confirmed by the ASUR Senate. The members come from various areas of student government and work together to resolve different issues around campus while leading the student body.

ASUR President

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Derrick Ball '23, ASUR President

The ASUR President is the chief spokesperson of the student body and is responsible for overseeing the administration of student government. The ASUR President is responsible for appointing and leading the ASUR Cabinet, composed of 7 student leaders driven to provide fun and educational opportunities to the campus community. Representing the student voice and serving as the liaison between students and administration is one of the main tasks of the ASUR President. Other duties include creating and managing the ASUR Budget, attending meetings with the Board of Trustees, acting as the chief negotiator on behalf of ASUR, completing independent projects, and holding a minimum of 20 office hours per week. 

Senate Chair

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Byran Whitehead, '25 Senate Chair

Hello, my name is Byran Whitehead and I'm your senate chair for the 2022-23 school year. As chair I aspire to create a greater connection with the university and the Redlands community. To add a bit about myself, I'm a political science and English double major. I'm also President of Bulldogs Vote and I will be running several independent projects for students. As for my personal interests, I love antiques, classic architecture, bowling, cooking, and walking downtown.

What does the Senate Chair do? ASUR Senate chair is the chief spokesperson for the ASUR Senate. Senate is the student voice at the University of Redlands. Senate works with the entire campus community to better the collective University experience, and to implement projects alongside supporting clubs, student organizations, and events. Your ASUR Senators are here to serve as a resource for you.

ASUR Vice President of Student Organizations & Finance

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Devon Smith, '23 Vice President of Student Organizations & Finance

Hello, my name is Devon Smith and I will be serving as your ASUR VP of Finance and Student Organizations. As a triple major in accounting, business, and computer science and Co-President of Gamma Delta Rho (GDR). I believe I have the skills to help control and manage our budget and work with organizations to help them succeed and grow.

What does VP of Student Orgs and Finance do? The ASUR VP of Student Organizations is responsible for managing all U of R Student Organizations. This includes helping new clubs and organizations get started, keeping current organizations in good standing, and oversight of the Organization Grant program. 

ASUR Vice President of Communication

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Jay Arroyo '24, Vice President of Communication

I am a rising Junior Theatre Arts major, and a Gender Justice Intern at CDI (Campus Diversity and Inclusion) I am also the newly elected President of DEFIANT, the club on campus for students with disabilities/ differences. I am so excited to be your VP of Communications this fall. I hope by the end of my term, to improve how students receive important campus updates, as well as making sure students are aware of all involvement opportunities on campus as well as where to go for to fulfill all your needs and grievances.

What does the VP of Communications do? The ASUR Vice President of Communications serves as the key liaison for ASUR communications. This includes increasing awareness to the student body of all the programs, events, opportunities, initiatives, and resources offered by the ASUR as well as managing all external communications and data collection for the ASUR.

ASUR Vice President of Social Affairs

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Carlos Lopez, '23 Vice President of Social Affairs

Hi, I'm Carlos Lopez and I am excited to do my part in helping put on exciting new events that will bring our community together and that all students can enjoy.

What does Social Affairs do? Social Affairs is a student-led organization composed of enthusiastic and excited student programmers! Social Affairs' main objective is to provide a diverse range of programs, events, activities, and much more to the student body. These events span from movie nights on the quad, to music concerts on the plaza patio, and everything in-between. Social Affairs is led by the ASUR VP of Social Affairs and approximately 7 different Assistant Director positions. We are the organization most popularly known for hosting Homecoming week festivities and Fall Fest. In addition to our own events, we constantly strive to co-sponsor programs with other clubs, organizations, and departments across campus.

Cabinet Advisors


Katie Estrella, Director of Student Involvement and Success 

University Alignment, Engagement and Finance Policy