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DUDES | University of Redlands

DUDES Resource Center

Dudes Understanding Diversity and Ending Stereotypes (DUDES) is a traveling Men’s Center, housed in the Campus Diversity and Inclusion Center for students who identify as Men, Masculine, as well as women, transgendered students, and male allies. It provides support for students who would like a safe space to talk about men’s issues, get involved more on campus, and discuss issues regarding masculinity, media, gender roles, etc. As an organization, we discuss possible ways to reform current stereotypes around men and masculinity and how to adapt to the changing world around us. DUDES go out to residence halls and organizational houses to have discussions about topics that groups currently struggle with and figure out solutions to fixing these problems. D.U.D.E.S. acts as an umbrella organization for all the various men’s initiatives on campus, thus centralizing information and services for students interested in men’s initiatives. The D.U.D.E.S. acting committee is comprised of the Men’s Programming Interns and the DUDES Coordinator.

Student initiatives and organizations that operate out of the DUDES Center include:

DUDES Course for 1 credit: This course explores Keith Edwards’ Man Mask from a theoretical and practical lens. Special topics such as healthy relationships, sports, competition, homophobia, academics, Title IX issues, race, sexual identity, drug/alcohol use, and gender roles are discussed. By utilizing readings, online clips and documentary films, we take a historical look at societal norms of masculinity in America. This course will also create a safe space for men (and others) to talk about issues facing them in their daily lives.

DUDES WEEK: This week happens towards the end of November every year in conjunction with Movember Awareness Organization. This is a week of events that raise healthy and positive ways for men on campus to participate. There are prizes, educational brochures and food given out during this week.

Men's Retreat: Once a year, there will be 2 day retreat in the surrounding natural landscape, where students will discuss socialization processes of masculinity, learn about one another through interactive games, cook meals together, set goals for their career and personal development, discuss interpersonal relationships, in addition to current trends relevant to college students.

Personal Development Workshops: The D.U.D.E.S. committee will offer sexual assault prevention training sessions throughout the semester. These trainings will educate U of R students as to be active bystanders in sexual assault situations, how to practice affirmative consent, and how to abide by new Title IX regulations. Additionally, other workshops will be offered, that focus on developing character and excellence in our students.

Speaker Series: Inspirational and educational speakers will come and talk about issues that are of importance to men of all backgrounds. These speakers could range from sports figures, scholars, administrators to celebrities.

For more information you can contact Peter Tupou or (909)748-8257.