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Cassandra Morton | University of Redlands

Cassandra Morton

Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Residence Life and Housing

Cassandra Morton


Hunsaker Center
P: 909.748.8290

The Residence Life and Housing mission statement is "Building Lasting Communities of Learning," and Cassandra is excited to support this mission every day in her work at the University.

Welcome to Redlands! I'm very excited to meet all of you. I too am a Bulldog having graduated from the University of Redlands, College of Arts and Sciences in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Global Business and the School of Business with a Masters in Business Administration in 2012. During my time as an undergraduate student, I was active in Greek Life as a member of the Beta Lambda sorority, student government as the 2009-2010 Residence Life and Housing Representative on the ASUR President's Cabinet, was a Community Assistant for two years, and a Community Director my senior year. I also performed with the Musical Theater Company and studied abroad both in Salzburg, Austria and Barcelona, Spain. I am going into my seventh year and am truly looking forward to helping shape your wonderful experiences here on campus!