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First Year Journey | Outdoor Programs | University of Redlands

About First Year Journey

Promoting Exploration, Connection, Growth and Community



College is full of new experiences, and FYJ is a great place to begin your adventure! 

First Year Journey's or FYJ's are a unique, pre orientation program available to incoming Bulldogs. FYJ’ers arrive before orientation, meet the other participants and leaders on their trip, then depart campus for a multi-day adventure. Itineraries may include everything from extended forays into the wilderness, to getting your hands dirty in community urban gardens. Many trips have camping-style accommodations, although at least one will have opportunities to sleep in a bed every night.

While adventuring outside is the setting for FYJ – the core mission is to promote connection, community and your transition into the University. You’ll walk away with unique, shared experiences with your peers, and new companions to share your college! 


A Note About Choosing your FYJ

When considering trip options and indicating your preferences on your application, we encourage you to try something new that may push your comfort zone. Our FYJs do not require previous experience, and while some offer greater physical challenges than others, our leaders, faculty, and guides are here to help support you through those challenges.


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FYJ Alumni Trip Testimonial / Buko Kabba '23 Shares Her FYJ Experience

"During the summer, I had made the decision—one of the best decisions I’ve ever made—to go on a First Year Journey before the semester started. During this trip, I explored Northern California and met people who I now consider some of my best friends. The uncertainty and novelty of adjusting to college was so much easier and less stressful with close friends by my side."