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Student Involvement and Success | University of Redlands

Student Involvement and Success

Growth. Relationships. Leadership.

Student Involvement and Success

Student Involvement and Success (SIS) provides opportunities for student growth through a diverse offering of extracurricular experiences.  We aim to connect students to each other, their University, and the greater community, in order to build meaningful relationships and lifelong skills.

Get Involved


SIS staff is here to make sure you get the most out of your college experience.  We recognize the leadership potential in every one of our students and strive to give you the tools to succeed.  Please stop by with any questions, or just to say hello!

Meet the SIS Staff

SIS  is located on the second floor of the Hunsaker University Center, just above the student mailboxes. 

Give SIS  a call at (909)748-8100 or email us at