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THRIVE Coaching | University of Redlands

What is THRIVE Coaching?

THRIVE Coaching is a free service available to all University of Redlands students by enhancing holistic wellness and performance in life, or managing difficult transitions, through empowering conversations focused on strengths and building sustainable wellness-related goals.

THRIVE stands for “together helping reach individual victories everyday”, where the coaching focuses on how you can become the best version of yourself and move from surviving to thriving!


What’s the difference between coaching and counseling?



Counseling is a service that supports college students by providing effective treatment for mental health concerns.

THRIVE coaching is a service that supports college students by enhancing holistic wellness, health, and success through empowering conversations about strengths and goals.

Counseling center staff are licensed mental health professionals.

THRIVE coaching staff are upper-level students or U of R staff who have participated in training as THRIVE coaches.

Counseling staff collect information about you and your concerns and work with you to decide how to best address them. Counseling staff will come alongside you on your journey toward resolving or managing these concerns.

Coaches believe you are the expert that you need, and help you to identify and trust your distinctive voice so that you can make decisions that are most appropriate for your preferred outcomes.

*Adapted with permission from Ohio State University


If you believe that depression, anxiety, or other mental health concerns may be a factor for you please visit If you require immediate assistance, please call one of the numbers below.

Counseling Center 909.748.8108 (during business hours)

Counseling Center’s Crisis Support Line 909.748.8960 (available 24/7)

Public Safety 909.748.8888 (available 24/7)

Emergency Services 911 (available 24/7)

Is THRIVE Coaching Right for me?

THRIVE Coaches are here to help you meet your self-generated goals. Students who would like to focus on any of the following may benefit from working with a THRIVE Coach:

  • Dealing with stress and finding balance 
  • Discover strengths and establish goals for sustainable change 
  • Improving self-confidence and self-compassion
  • Enhance social relationships & minimize social isolation 
  • Transitioning to distance learning conquering digital depletion 
  • Making positive lifestyle changes related to nutrition, physical activity, sleep, etc. 
  • And more!

How is THRIVE Coaching structured?

THRIVE Coaching sessions are one-on-one, face-to-face meetings scheduled in a private location on campus. During social distancing, THRIVE coaching sessions will be offered virtually via ZOOM video messaging or phone call.  It is designed as a short-term intervention (2-4 sessions on average). Prior to your first session, you will be asked to complete a strengths-based assessment and an intake form, so we can get to know you and your goals better.

The first session will be approximately 50 minutes followed by 45 minute follow-up sessions.  

How do I schedule an appointment?

In order to schedule an appointment, please select the time and date you are available at using the button below .

Schedule an appointment!


Once the appointment is scheduled, you will be sent an email with instructions to complete a strengths-based assessment and an intake form.

Meet your THRIVE Coaches

Samantha Hardin.jpg

Samantha Hardin

Graduate Student Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 
Master of Arts in Education 
Bachelor of Arts Liberal Studies 

Hi! My name is Samantha. I am so excited to begin this THRIVE coaching journey with you. I graduated with my Master of Arts in Education from the University of California Davis and received my Bachelor of Arts from Sonoma State University. I am now pursuing my Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling here at the University of Redlands. Before deciding to change career paths, I worked as a kindergarten teacher in Sacramento California for four years. Through teaching I learned that my true passion is in the mental health field, and I am excited to be beginning that journey here at U of R. I hope to help students during my time here find a sense of balance and fulfillment and help them through any challenges that may come their way. Some things about me are that I love to travel, play sports such as volleyball, soccer, and swimming, do crafts such as painting and knitting, and I love animals. I am looking forward to getting to know you in our THRIVE coaching sessions! 

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Esmeralda Perez Bravo

Graduate Student Master of Arts in Education: School Counseling 
Bachelor of Arts Political Science and Criminology and Justice Studies 

Hello! My name is Esmeralda. I am thrilled to begin this THRIVE coaching journey with you. I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Criminology and Justice Studies from California State University San Marcos. I am now pursuing my Master of Arts in Education: School Counseling here at the University of Redlands. Deciding to pursue a degree in school counseling, I worked as a long-term certificated substitute teacher in the Coachella Valley for one year. Through teaching I found my passion to help others, the way I will do as a school counselor, and I am excited to begin that journey here at the University of Redlands. I hope to help and support students by enhancing a holistic environment and help them through any challenges that may come along their journey. Some things about me are that I love to write poetry, play sports such as soccer, track and field, and cross country, I do knit, and I am bilingual in Spanish and English. I am looking forward to work with you and getting to know you in our THRIVE coaching sessions!  


How do I cancel my appointment?

Please cancel appointments at least 24 hours in advance through the appointment confirmation sent your Redlands email.