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Johnston Forms | University of Redlands

Johnston Forms

Johnston Contract 
Need to submit a Johnston contract? This can be submitted by a Johnston and/or CAS student. Contracts submitted on time (by the Academic Calendar deadline) are considered with faculty approval. Contracts missing faculty approval will be considered late. Incomplete contracts will be electronically returned to students. 

Johnston independent study contract 
Thinking about creating your own class or taking an internship and need credit? Please submit a Johnston individualize study contract form. The contract is considered received on time when all approvals have been met (faculty sponsor, advisor, and Johnston Director) by the Academic Calendar deadline.

Johnston Sophomore Contract 
It’s that time to plan for your Sophomore Grad Contract Committee? This form will allow you to write the grad contract narrative, chronological/course by discipline list, along with a scheduling text box for you and your advisor to add availability in order to scheduling grad contract committee meeting.

Addendum form 
Ready to get started on your addendum? Please reference sophomore contract, official grad contract summary and unofficial transcript provided to you during Graduation Planning Committee course in order to complete this form.

Johnston Senior Grad Review Document 
Senior year has flown by and now you are ready to begin to rewrite your graduation narrative and complete final course list. Please complete the form below.