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Transfer and study abroad course approval | University of Redlands

Transfer Approval Request

College of Arts and Sciences Transfer Course Approval

Undergraduate courses from regionally-accredited colleges or universities, with a grade of ‘2.0' (C) or better, including credit/no credit courses, may transfer to the University of Redlands.

Any exceptions will require a petition to the Academic Review Board. Transfer credits are converted to semester credit hours.

One-quarter credit equals 2/3 of one-semester credit.  (i.e., 4 quarter credits = 2.67 semester credits). Transfer semester credit limits: 66 credits maximum from a 2-year college; 96 credits from a 4- year institution.

Courses taken for the Liberal Arts Foundation, Liberal Arts Inquiry, the major, or the minor must be taken for a letter or numerical grade. For current students, prior approval is required. Transfer credit is not counted in the GPA, nor will it be individually listed on the official U of R transcript. 

If in their final year, a student must also petition for waiver of the Final 32 Hours in Residence requirement. If the course(s) is taken concurrently with U of R courses and results in a total of more than 19 credits for the semester, a petition for an overload is needed.

Please see the catalog for policies regarding maximum transferability and credit obsolescence.  For courses on approved Articulation Agreements, see below.

Transfer Approval Request form

For information on transfer equivalency and to view transferable courses from other campuses, please visit the Transfer Equivalency Portal page.