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Call for Proposals | University of Redlands


IICCS invites proposals for the conference.  Proposals will be peer-reviewed.  There are three options:

Paper presentations:  These can be presentations of research or practice.  These will be presented in paper sessions, bundled with other papers that are as similar as possible in topic.

Poster presentations will be on display in the exhibit hall throughout the duration of the conference. In addition, there will be an assigned time when presenters will be available for attendees to view and ask questions. 

Roundtable discussions are an opportunity for informal, in-depth discussions between presenters and attendees on a specific topic. The advantage of roundtable sessions is that they allow for stimulating conversations and networking opportunities among participants on shared research interests.

Workshops (90 min) are practice-oriented sessions that are geared toward providing clinicians with tools that can be readily translated and applied in training settings. Given scheduling constraints, only a limited number of workshop proposals will be accepted.

Note that all authors of accepted presentations will need to register for the conference.

Proposals are due February 1, 2024. To submit them, click here or use this QR code:


Call for Proposals