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Spatial Events | University of Redlands

Spatial events


Mappy Hour Workshops

The Center for Spatial Studies, along with guest speakers, presents GIS workshops to help students and faculty make the most of Esri GIS software and learn the latest technology. 

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Spatial Symposium

Each spring the University of Redlands celebrates spatial learning, research, and community service conducted by students, faculty, administrators, and campus programs.

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Celebrate GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and the difference it is making on campus and around the world! GIS Day has been celebrated around the world every November since 1999 and provides an international forum for users of all kinds to showcase their applications and demonstrate the difference that it is making in our society.

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Geography Awareness Week

Each third week of November, more than 100,000 Americans actively participate in Geography Awareness Week. Established by presidential proclamation more than 25 years ago, this annual public awareness program encourages citizens young and old to think and learn about the significance of place and how we affect and are affected by it.  – National Geographic

The University participates by holding mapping workshops, a Humanitarian Mapathon, celebrating GIS Day, and an annual Disc Golf Tournament.

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Esri User Conference

Each summer, University students, faculty, and staff join thousands of others for the premiere GIS event - the annual Esri User Conference. 

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RS22644_005_AvijitSarkar_WV-original.jpgCenter for Spatial Business Speaker Series

As GIS and spatial decision-making become more prevalent, business professionals in a variety of sectors are discovering new applications—and benefits—of GIS, as well as strengthening mainstream applications. Drawn from academia and industry, our speakers hail from diverse backgrounds and possess significant expertise and experience in geo-technology.

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