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Poster - Analyzing Active Volcanoes on Io | University of Redlands

Analyzing Active Volcanoes in Space and Time on Jupiter's Moon, Io

Morghan Montez, GIS ’21

Jupiter’s moon, Io, is the most volcanic planetary object in the solar system. Io’s active volcanoes have only been previously studied independently in space and time, but not simultaneously. With using geographic information systems (GIS), the ArcGIS Pro software has tools in a toolbox called Space Time Pattern Mining that can analyze these active volcanoes in a concurrent study. In order to achieve a concurrent study, the project was constructed in two parts: analysis and visualizations. The analysis part involved using the tools in the Space Time Pattern Mining toolbox provided space-time aspects that would analyze the client’s database. The client’s database is data from the NASA’s Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) instrument that was used in the Rathbun, Lopes, and Spencer (2018) publication. As for the visualization part, this part involved using 3-Dsymbology from the volcano point feature, to illustrate a time frame in days of the brightness (aka volcano eruption strength) on the Local Scene map and the Globe Scene map. Both parts of the project presented compelling results that identified and achieved in seeing significant clustering in space and time concurrently, along with seeing a particular part on Io that exhibited eruptions more frequently than the other part.