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Poster - A Facilities Management Solution for Montessori in Redlands | University of Redlands

A Facilities Management Solution for Montessori in Redlands

Will Mertens, 2019, MGIS Cohort 39 and Dr. Mark Kumler, Geographic Information Science

The Montessori in Redlands campus includes six buildings nestled in grapefruit groves and spread across twelve acres. The school requested assistance implementing a solution for managing these facilities and their contents. Staff members identified three problems of high concern: (a) lost classroom items due to lack of inventory tracking, (b) unexpected costs to replace failing building components, and (c) emergency first responders lacking access to high-quality campus maps. This project implemented a GIS to create a facilities management solution to address these concerns and allow for expansion in the future. Utilizing ArcGIS Online, the campus data are stored in a series of Hosted Feature Layers and are manipulated in Web Maps, Web Apps, Dashboards, and the Field Maps mobile application. Within these layers are building floorplans that use the ArcGIS Indoors information model. The implemented system can be accessed, adjusted, and expanded without touching ArcGIS Pro.