URSpatial Portfolio

Featured projects from the University of Redlands spatial community

Mapping Metal Music

Few genres of popular music are as polarizing as metal (aka "Heavy Metal").  Depending on the listener, it can induce cringes, derisive laughter, or bliss.  Through its sound, lyrics, and visual aesthetics, metal has attracted millions of  fans over the last five decades due to its transgressive nature of pushing  musical envelopes and challenging social and cultural mores leading to a sense   of empowerment.  It can exhibit escapist and cathartic qualities for those feeling  trapped by the druggery of daily life.  From its very beginnings it has also engaged  with issues like inquality, war, history, mental health, and more recently, the  environment.  It is a form of music marked by a level of intentionality that is hard  to ignore regardless of one's reaction to it.

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Planning for a Better Future

Ecological Succession in the Bearpaw Reserve, San Bernardino Mountains - Dr. Wendy McIntyre

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man using drone in tropical vegetation

Panamapping: Mapping to Conserve the Rainforest - Dr. Daniel Klooster

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Mile High Chemistry - Dr. Rebecca Lyons

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Ground-nesting Birds of the Tetiaroa Atoll - Dr. Tim Krantz

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Spatial STEM+C: Spatial Thinking Instruction for Educational Justice - Dr. Steven Moore

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Understanding the Past

Mapping Histories of Race in the Inland Empire - Dr. Jennifer Tilton

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Redrawing the Map of Religion - Dr. Lillian Larsen

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Mapping The Green Book: A Historical Geography of Segregation and Racism - Dr. John Glover and Dr. Kathy Feeley 

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Hopi Cultural Preservation - Dr. Wes Bernardini

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Mapping the African Slave Trade – Dr. John Glover 

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Mapping the California Mission Indians - Dr. James Sandos and Tish Sandos

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Mapping the Holocaust: Witness and Testimony - Dr. Sharon Oster

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Moving Frontiers of Climate Change and Violence in West Africa: The Lebu Migrations of the 11th Century C.E. - Dr. John Glover

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University in Action

The R-Map Project - Center for Spatial Studies

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StoryMap Gallery - UR Spatial

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