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Avijit Sarkar | University of Redlands

Avijit Sarkar

School of Business & Society

Avijit Sarkar


Ph.D., The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

M.S., The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

B.E., Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India


Hornby Hall
P: 909.748.8783


Avijit Sarkar is professor of business analytics and operations research at the University of Redlands School of Business & Society. His primary research interests include examination of global digital divides, spatial patterns of the sharing economy, location-based analytics, and spatial maturity models. In his research, he uses spatial statistics and multivariate analytical methods to analyze geographically referenced data for meaningful patterns and relationships. He is co-author of the book Global Digital Divides: Explaining Change (Springer). His research articles have been published in journals such as Decision Support Systems, Telecommunications Policy, Communications of the AIS, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers and Operations Research, and Journal of Geographical Systems. Dr. Sarkar teaches courses in business analytics, management science, and operations management. He is recipient of the University of Redlands Awards for Outstanding Research and Teaching, and received his Ph.D. (2004) and M.S. (2002) degrees in Industrial Engineering from University at Buffalo – The State University of New York.

Courses Taught

BUSB 370 Managing Quality and Operations (BS in Business)

INFT 647 Business Analytics (MSIT)

MGMT 651 Analytics for Managerial Decision-Making (MBA)

MGMT 661 Introduction to Analytics and Decision-Making (MA in Management)


Professor, July 2016 – Present

Director of Graduate Programs, School of Business, July 2016 – June 2018

Director, Center for Spatial Business, Sep 2012 – Dec 2016

Associate Professor, July 2010 – June 2016

Assistant Professor, July 2005 – June 2010

Director of Undergraduate Programs, July 2007 – June 2011

Visiting Assistant Professor, August 2004 – May 2005

Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Department, University of Toledo, Toledo OH



J. Pick, & A. Sarkar (2015). The Global Digital Divides: Explaining Change. New York: Springer.


J.B. Pick, O. Turetken, A.V. Deokar, A. Sarkar, “Location analytics and decision support: Reflections on recent advancements, a research framework, and the path ahead”, Decision Support Systems, 2017, 99, 1-8.

H. Ramakrishna, A. Sarkar, B. Vijayaraman, “Factors affecting the decision to participate in study abroad programs in business schools: An exploratory study of two universities”, Journal of Teaching in International Business, 2016, 27(2-3): 124-141.

D. Farkas, B. Hilton, J. Pick, H. Ramakrishna, A. Sarkar, N. Shin, “A tutorial on geographic information systems: A ten-year update”, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2016, 38: 190-234.

J. Pick, A. Sarkar, J. Johnson, “United States digital divide: State level analysis of spatial clustering and multivariate determinants of ICT utilization”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2015, 49: 16-32.

T. Nishida, J. Pick, A. Sarkar, “Spatial and multivariate analysis of Japan’s prefectural digital divide”, Telecommunications Policy, 2014, 38(11): 992–1010.

H. Ramakrishna, A. Sarkar, B. Vijayaraman, “Infusion of GIS and spatial analysis in business school curricula: A status report”, Journal of Informatics Education Research, Spring/Fall 2010.

Sarkar, A., Batta, R., and Nagi, R. (2009). Finding Rectilinear Least Cost Paths in the Presence of Convex Polygonal Congested Regions. Computers and Operations Research, 36, 737-754.

Kaboudan, M., and Sarkar, A. (2008). Forecasting Prices of Single Family Homes Using GIS-Defined Neighborhoods. Journal of Geographical Systems, 10 (1), 23-45.

Sarkar, A., Batta, R., and Nagi, R. (2007). Placing a Finite Size Facility with a Center Objective on a Rectilinear Plane with Barriers. European Journal of Operational Research, 179 (3), 1160-1176.

Sarkar, A., Batta, R., and Nagi, R. (2005). Planar Area Location/Layout Problem in the Presence of Generalized Congested Regions with the Rectilinear Distance Metric. IIE Transactions, 37 (1), 35-50.

Sarkar, A., Batta, R., and Nagi, R. (2004). Commentary on Facility Location in the Presence of Congested Regions under the Rectilinear Distance Metric. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 38 (4), 291-306.


M. Skaletsky, J.B. Pick, Avijit Sarkar, and D. Yates. “Digital Divides: Past, Present, and Future.” in Galliers, R.D. and Stein, M-K. (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Management Information Systems, London, England: 2018, 416-443.

A. Sarkar, J. Pick, and J. Rosales, “ICT-enabled E-Entertainment Services in United States Counties: Socio-economic Determinants and Geographic Patterns,” in Choudrie J., Kurnia, S. and Tsatsou, P. (Eds.), Social Inclusion and Usability of ICT-enabled services: Routledge, London, England: 2017, 115-146.

J. Pick, T. Nishida, and A. Sarkar, “Broadband Utilization in the Indian States: Socio-Economic Correlates and Geographic Aspects,” in Jyoti Choudrie and Catherine Middleton (Eds.), Management of Broadband Technology Innovation, Oxford, England, 2014: Routledge, 269-296.

H. Ramakrishna, A. Sarkar, J. Bachani, “Business Analytics Success: A Conceptual Framework and an application to Virtual Organizing”, in C. Camison, D. Palacios, F. Garrigos, & C. Devece (Eds.), Connectivity and Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations: Networking and Developing Interactive Communications, Hershey PA, 2009: Information Science Reference, 222-254.


J. Pick, A. Sarkar, E. Parrish, “Internet Use and Online Activities in U.S. States: Geographic Disparities and Socio-economic Influences”, Proceedings of the51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IEEE, January 2018, pp. 3853-3863.

A. Sarkar, J.B. Pick, E. Parrish, “Spatial Patterns and Socioeconomic Dimensions of Internet Use in U.S. States: Implications for the Digital Divide”, 48th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Washington, D.C., November 2017.

A. Sarkar, J.B. Pick, E. Parrish, “Geographic Patterns and Socio-Economic Influences on Internet Use in U.S. States: A Spatial and Multivariate Analysis”, In Proceedings of the45th Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC), Washington, D.C., September 2017 (Available at SSRN:

J. Pick, A. Sarkar, E. Parrish, “The Digital Divide in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Multivariate and Geospatial Analysis”, Proceedings of the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston MA, August 2017.

Sarkar, A., Koohikamali, M., and Pick, J. B., “Spatiotemporal Patterns and Socioeconomic Dimensions of Shared Accommodations: The Case of Airbnb in Los Angeles, California”, ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume IV-4/W2, August 2017, pp. 107-114.

A. Sarkar, J. Pick, and G. Moss, “Geographic Patterns and Socio-Economic Influences on Mobile Internet Access and Use in United States Counties”, Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IEEE, January 2017, pp. 4148-4158.

J. Pick, A. Sarkar, J. Rosales, “Internet Use for E-Commerce in US Counties: Geographic Patterns and Socio-Economic Influences”, 47th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Austin TX, November 2016.

A. Sarkar, J. Pick, J. Rosales, “Multivariate and Geospatial Analysis of Technology Utilization in US Counties”, Proceedings of the 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego CA, August 2016. [Was recognized as Second Runner-up for Conference Best Paper Award]

Sarkar, A., and J. Pick, “The Information Societies of China and India: Multivariate and Geospatial Comparison and Implications for the Digital Divide”, Proceedings of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, Las Vegas NV, Apr 2016.

J. Pick, and Sarkar, A., "Theories of the Digital Divide: Critical Comparison", Proceedings of the49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 2016, pp. 3888-3897.

Awards, Honors, Grants

2016 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Diego CA: Co-author of "Multivariate and Geospatial Analysis of Technology Utilization in US Counties”, recognized as 2nd runner-up for Best Conference Paper Award.

University of Redlands Faculty Review Committee (FRC) Award for Outstanding Research, 2010.

University of Redlands Faculty Review Committee (FRC) Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2009.

School of Business Excellence in Research Award, 2015, 2011.

School of Business Excellence in Teaching Award, 2015, 2009.

School of Business Excellence in Service Award, 2011, 2018.

Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award, conferred by the Graduate School and the Graduate Student Association, SUNY at Buffalo, 2003-04.

Invited Presentations


S. Griffin, J. Pick, H. Ramakrishna, A. Sarkar, “Location Analytics in Business Curricula Through the Lens of Big and Small Data”, Esri Education GIS Conference, San Diego CA, July 2018.

A. Sarkar, K. Takeda, “Using Mapping and Geospatial Information Systems to Create a ‘Heart String’ with IISE LA Chapter Members/Customers”, IISE Annual Conference, Orlando FL, May 2018.

M. Koohikamali, A. Sarkar, J. Rosales, “Motivations to participate in sharing economy: How location matters?”, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston MA, August 2017.

G. Moss, A. Sarkar, J. Pick, “Spatial Patterns of m-Commerce and m-Entertainment in U.S. Counties”, Esri User Conference, San Diego CA, July 2017.

J. Lemus, A. Sarkar, J. Pick, H. Ramakrishna, “Infusion of Location Analytics with Big Data in Business Curricula”, Esri Education GIS Conference, San Diego CA, July 2017.

A. Sarkar, J. Pick, J. Rosales, “Socioeconomic Determinants and Geographic Patterns of Internet Use for E-commerce in U.S. Counties”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, November 2016.

J. Pick, A. Sarkar, J. Rosales, “Geographies of E-Commerce and E-Entertainment in US Counties: Spatial Patterns and Socio-Economic Influences”, 3rd International Conference on CyberGIS and Geospatial Data Science, Urbana IL, June 2016.

J. Pick, A. Sarkar, J. Rosales, “Spatial Analysis and Socioeconomic Determinants of Web-Based E-Commerce and E-Entertainment Usage in the Counties of the United States”, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco CA, March 2016.


Association for Information Systems (AIS)

Secretary, Special Interest Group in GIS (SIGGIS), Association for Information Systems

Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

Decision Sciences Institute (DSI)

Faculty Affiliate, Center for Spatial Business, University of Redlands