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James Pick | University of Redlands

James Pick

Professor and Director, Center for Spatial Business (CSB)
School of Business & Society

James Pick


B.A. Northwestern University

M.S. Ed. Northern Illinois University

Ph.D. University of California, Irvine

Expert for the Media

Subject and research experts are available for news media interviews and to provide expert commentary on a broad range of topics. Contact Media Relations at 909.748.8857 or by email at


Redlands Main Campus
Hornby Hall #106
P: 909.748.8781

Academic Interests and Areas of Expertise

  • Management information systems

  • Human population and urban studies

  • Geographic information systems (GIS)

  • Renewable energy


University of Redlands Faculty Page  

Courses Offered

Information and Knowledge Management

Spatial Analysis of Global Business

Global Information Systems

GIS for Business

Contemporary Planning of Business GIS

Topics in Emerging Technologies and Innovations

Telecommunications and Networks

IT Change Management


Professor James B. Pick works in research and teaching in management information systems, urban studies and population, geographic information systems, and renewable energy.  He is past chair of Department of Management and Business, past assembly chair of School of Business, and founding director of Center for Business GIS and Spatial Analysis. He is the author of twelve books and 150 peer-reviewed scientific papers and book chapters.  His most recent books are The Global Digital Divides: Explaining Change, co-authored with Avijit Sarkar (Springer, 2015), Exploring the Urban Community: A GIS Approach, co-authored with Richard Greene (Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2012), and Geo-Business: GIS in the Digital Organization (John Wiley and Sons, 2008).  Dr. Pick has been principal investigator or co-p.i on grants from the Ford Foundation, U.S. Small Business Administration, and University of California. His awards include seven for faculty distinguished research and teaching from the University of Redlands, Senior Fulbright scholar award for Mexico, and outstanding alumnus award from Northern Illinois University.  He was visiting researcher at UC Irvine four times, as well as visiting scholar at City University of Hong Kong and Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012, visiting scholar at Lingnan University, Hong Kong in 2009, and at Universidad Iberoamerica, Mexico City in1997 and 2001. He is currently doing research projects on the United States digital divide and on socio-economic and spatial aspects of renewable energy development in California. He has been on the organizing committees for international conferences in information systems and was recognized by Association for Information Systems for his leadership in fostering the GIS field for 4 years and for leadership for a decade in fostering information systems study of Latin America. He is senior editor of European Journal of Information Systems, associate editor of Information Systems for Development and serves on three other journal editorial boards. Throughout his career, he has served on 19 doctoral committees.  He holds a B.A. from Northwestern University, M.S. from Northern Illinois University, and Ph.D. from University of California, Irvine.

Previous Teaching Experience:

Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management, University of California Riverside



Pick, James B. 2017.   Renewable Energy: Problems and Prospects in Coachella Valley, California.  Heidelberg, Germany: Springer

Pick, James B., and Avijit Sarkar. 2015. The Global Digital Divides: Explaining Change. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

Greene, Richard P., and James B. Pick. 2012. Exploring the Urban Community: a GIS Approach. 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Pick, James B. 2008. Geo-Business: GIS in the Digital Organization. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Greene, Richard P., and James B. Pick. 2006. Exploring the Urban Community: A GIS Approach. 1st Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Pick, James B. (Editor). 2005. Geographic Information Systems in Business. Hershey, Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing.

Butler, Edgar W., James B. Pick, and W. James Hettrick. 2001. Mexico and Mexico City in the World Economy. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.

Pick, James B. and Edgar W. Butler. 1997. Mexico Megacity. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. Also published by Westview in paperback edition in 2000.

Pick, James B. and Edgar W. Butler. 1994. The Mexico Handbook: Economic and Demographic Maps and Statistics. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.

Pick, James B., Edgar W. Butler, and Elizabeth Lanzer. 1989. Atlas of Mexico. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.

Pick, James B., Michael Heister, and Brad Lowman. 1986. MicroManual: Basic, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, and Data Base. Boston: PWS Publishers.

Pick, James B. 1986. Computer Systems in Business. Boston: PWS Publishers.

Butler, Edgar W. and James B. Pick. 1982. Geothermal Energy Development: Problems and Prospects in the Imperial Valley of California. New York, Plenum Publishing Company.

Selected Articles

Farkas, Dan, Brian Hilton, James Pick, Hindupur Ramakrishna, Avijit Sarkar, and Namchul Shin. 2015.  “A Tutorial on Geographic Information Systems: A Ten-year Update.”  Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 38, Article 9. 

Pick, James B., and Tetsushi Nishida.  2015.  Digital divides in the world and its regions: A spatial and multivariate analysis of technological utilization.  Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 91:1-17.

Pick, James B., Avijit Sarkar, and Jeremy Johnson. 2015. United States Digital Divide: State Level Analysis of Spatial Clustering and Multivariate Determinants of ICT Utilization.” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 49:16-32.

Nishida, Tetsushi, James B. Pick, and Avijit Sarkar. 2014. “Japan’s Prefectural Digital Divide: Multivariate and Spatial Analysis.”  Telecommunications Policy 38(11):992-1010.

Pick, James B., Kamala Gollakota, and Manju Singh. 2014. Technology for Development: Understanding Influences on Use of Rural Telecenters in India.”  Information Technology for Development 20(4):296-323.

Pick, James B., Tetsushi Nishida, and Xi Zhang. 2013.  Determinants of China’s Technology Utilization and Availability 2006-2009: A Spatial Analysis.”  The Information Society 29(1):26-48.

Greene, Richard P., and James B. Pick.  2013.  “Shifting Patterns of Suburban Dominance: the case of Chicago from 2000 to 2010.”  Journal of Maps, 9(2):178-182.

Pick, James B. and Rasool Azari. 2011.  A Global Model of Utilization of Technology based on Governmental, Social, Economic, and Business Investment Factors.  Journal of Management Information Systems 28(1):51-85.

Romano, Nicholas C., James B. Pick, and Narcyz Roztocki. 2010. A Motivational Model for Technology-Supported Cross-organizational and Cross-border Collaboration. European Journal of Information Systems 19:117-133.

Forstall, Richard L., Richard P. Greene, and James B. Pick.  2009.  Which are the Largest?  Why Published Lists of Major Urban Areas Vary So Greatly.  Journal of Economic and Social Geography (Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie), 100(3):277-297.

Viswanathan, Nanda, James B. Pick, W. James Hettrick, and Elliott Ellsworth. 2005. An Analysis of Commonality in the Twin Metropolitan Areas of San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico. Journal of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 39:57-79.

Pick, James B. and Edgar W. Butler.  1998.  Demographic, Social, and Economic Effects on Mexican Causes of Death in 1990. Biodemography and Social Biology 45(3-4): 151-171.

Pick, James B.  1997.  Natural and Spectral Convergence Measures of Leslie Matrices:  Additive Norms and the Imprimitive Cases.  Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling 26(6):25-37.

Awards, Honors, Grants

Thunderbird Award for Outstanding Research Paper, Business Assoc. of Latin American Studies, 1993

Student Recognition Award for Teaching of Graduate Seminar, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico, 1997

Fulbright Senior Lecturer/Research Award in Mexico, Summer/Fall 2001

Outstanding Alumni Award, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Northern Illinois University, 2004

Volunteer Spotlight Recognition, Association for Information Systems, 2010. For a decade of contributions to the field of Information Systems in Latin America

University Faculty Honors Award for Outstanding Research, University of Redlands, 1993, 2000, 2008, 2015

University Faculty Honors Award for Outstanding Teaching, University of Redlands, 1996

School of Business Honors Award from Excellence in Research, University of Redlands, 2011 and 2014.

Recognition Award, for leadership of the Special Interest Group in Geographic Information Systems, Association for Information Systems, 2016.