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Resources for Mental Health Practice During COVID 19 Pandemic | University of Redlands

Resources for Mental Health Practice During the Current Pandemic

Compiled by Rod Goodyear and Carol Falender

Mental health professionals are adjusting to the changing circumstances caused by corona virus and the measures to reduce its impacts.  As a service to them, we are compiling on this page information that will help them respond to the technological and treatment challenges this is posing.  We will continue to update the page as new resources emerge. 

Spanish language resources are  highlighted in a green font and bulleted with a special character (♦).




COVID-19  Inspired Changes to State and Federal Healthcare Policies Concerning Telehealth

•  HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) will waive potential HIPAA penalties for good faith use of telehealth during the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency click here

•  Expansion of telehealth benefits for Medicare beneficiaries during the COVID-19 outbreak click here

•  Phone only telehealth services for Medicare during COVID-19 click here

Technology-Related Resources

•   Comcast offers free Xfinity WiFi nationwide amid COVID-19 pandemic click here

•   Free, HIPSS-Secure Online Therapy Software for Solo and Group Practices (Roy Huggins) click here

•   Telemental health software comparisons click here

Practice Related Issues and Resources

•   Special issue on telepsychology (open source):  Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.  Click here

•   APA: Informed consent checklist for telepsychological services click here

♦  Consentimiento informado para servicios psicologicos por video llamada click here

•   Informed Consent Library, Telebehavioral Health Institute  click here

•   University of North Texas:  Telepsychology Clinician and Supervisor Manual   click here

•   How to Set Up Your Office for Teletherapy Sessions click here

•   The Trust: Guidance For Practitioners: Coronavirus  click here

•   COVID-19 Tips:  Building Rapport with Youth via Telehealth (van Dyke, et al., UCLA Pediatric Psychology Consultation Liaison Service)  click here

•   Making Eye Contact Over Video in Telemental Health Services (Roy Huggins) click here

•   Advice for psychology supervisors and trainees on caring for patients during the COVID-19 crisis click here

•   Telehealth information sheet (a very comprehensive list of links and resources compiled by Jonathan Perle) click here

•   Video:  A Primer on Technology and Telemental Health for Supervisors (presented by Jeffrey Barnett; moderated by Carol Falender) click here

•   Barnett, J. E., & Kolmes, K. (2016). The practice of tele-mental health: Ethical, legal, and clinical issues for practitioners. Practice Innovations1(1), 53.  click here

•   Luxton, D. D., Sirotin, A. P., & Mishkind, M. C. (2010). Safety of telemental healthcare delivered to clinically unsupervised settings: A systematic review. Telemedicine and e-Health16(6), 705-711. click here

•   Palomares, R. S., Bufka, L. F., & Baker, D. C. (2016). Critical concerns when incorporating telepractice in outpatient settings and private practice. Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology26(3), 252-259. click here

•   Brenes, G. A., Ingram, C. W., & Danhauer, S. C. (2011). Benefits and challenges of conducting psychotherapy by telephone. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice42(6), 543 - 549 click here





COVID-19 Information and Updates

•   United Nations Policy Brief:  COVID-19 and the Need for Action on Mental Health click here

•   SAMSHA Training and Technical Assistance Related to COVID-19 click here click here 

•   CDC page on coronavirus (COVID 19) click here

•   US Department of Education: COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel click here

•   COVID-19 related free articles from APA click here

•   A guide to providing mental health services to immigrants affected by DACA and COVID-19 click here

Compilations of Resources by Organizations or Individuals

•   American Psychiatric Association:  APA Coronavirus Resources click here

•  Trust Practice and Risk Management Association (TrustPARMA): COVID-19 Resources for Practitioners  click here

•   Society of Clinical Psychology: COVID-19 Resources for Clinical Psychologists (an exceptional list of references, organized by symptom or disorder) click here

•   National Institute of Drug Abuse:  COVID-19 Resources click here

Mental Health-Related Issues and Strategies

•  Stress in the Time of COVID-19:  APA's survey of US population (May 2020).  Click here

•   World Health Organization:  Mental Health Considerations during the COVID-19 Outbreak  click here

•   Seven crucial research findings that can help people deal with COVID-19 click here

•   APA: Keeping your Distance to Stay Safe (insights on how to separate yourself from others, while still getting social support) click here

•   McLean Hospital: Caring for your Mental Health Despite the Coronavirus click here

•   CDC on Managing COVID 19-related anxiety and stress click here

•   A guide for managing stress in crisis response professions click here

•   UCLA meditations and mindfulness app click here

•   Brooks, S. K., Webster, R. K., Smith, L. E., Woodland, L., Wessely, S., Greenberg, N., & Rubin, G. J. (2020). The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidenceThe Lancet.

Specific Populations

•  APA Div. 44 Clinical Issues Committee LGBTQIA+ Children, adolescents, and Young Adults Living in Non-Affirming Environments Resource List click here 

•  A Guide to Providing Mental Health Services to Immigrants Impacted by
Changes to DACA and the COVID-19 Pandemic click here

Resources for Parents and Children

•   National Association of School Psychologists: Talking to kids about COVID 19 click here

•  Children and COVID 1click here

•  The Alliance for Children Protection in Humanitarian Action:  Protection of Children during the Coronavirus Pandemic click here

•  Help Me Grow National Center click here

• An important message about life and death during the COVID-19 outbreak:  How to talk to children when considering their emotional development.  Available in:




•   AAMFT Best Practices in the Online Practice of Couple and Family Therapy click here

•   American Psychological Association's Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology click here

•   American Psychiatric Association's Practice Guidance for COVID-19 click here

♦  Guía para la práctica de la Telepsicología click here

♦  Lineamientos del Colegio de Profesionales en Psicología de Costa Rica para el Uso de la Psicología en Línea  click here

•   American Telemedicine Association’s Practice Guidelines for Video-based Online Mental Health Services click here

•   National Association of Social Workers' Technology in social work practice click here

•   Ken Pope's Links to 20 Sets of Professional Guidelines Focusing on Telepsychology and Internet-Based Therapy click here




•   American Psychological Association's General Resource Page on Pandemics click here

•   National Association of Social Workers on COVID 19 click here




Funding for this project by the Southern Counties Regional Partnership