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Arranging Accommodations | University of Redlands

Arranging Accommodations

It is the student's responsibility to identify accommodation needs to the Accessibility team. Students should not assume information about the disability included in the student's application for admission has reached our office.

To initiate accommodations:

  • Schedule an appointment with our Accessibility team by calling 909.748.8069 or emailing

  • Provide documentation of the disability to the Accessibility office. See Documentation Guidelines.

  • Students will have the opportunity to sign a Release of Information Form with Accessibility services (FERPA).

The University of Redlands will provide reasonable accommodations to students with documented disabilities which substantially limit a major life activity. These accommodations may include, but are not limited to, exam accommodations (quiet place, additional time) books on tape, and notetakers. Accommodations which fundamentally alter the nature of the course or program are not appropriate. The University does not provide personal assistants or individual personal tutors.

It is recommended that first-year students contact our office prior to the start of classes, or within the first two weeks, and the student's accommodation plan will be determined at that time. Prospective students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with us while visiting the campus to learn about available resources.