ASL Interpreter Request Form

Please submit the ASL Interpreter Request Form at least 5 business days in advance of the event date. Requests made with short notice will be considered, and all efforts will be made to fill the request.

An ASA counselor will check the request submission and notify you of the status; however, it is your responsibility to check back with ASA to make sure the request is approved. Please work closely with your instructors and ASA to schedule alternative meeting times if we cannot provide interpreters for the time requested.

Important Notes

  • To receive interpreting services, you must register with ASA. Medical verification of hearing loss must be on file.
  • Students must complete a separate Interpreter Request Form for each final exam.
  • By submitting the form, you give ASA permission to inform your instructors in advance that an interpreter will be providing services to a deaf/hard-of-hearing student during class meetings.
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Student Information

Requested Event

Please fill out event information below.

Please note that you must first set up your accommodation forms, with ASL interpreter listed, with the Office of Academic Success & Accessibility ( before completing this request.

Event Information

Event Start and End Times :

Requested Course(s)

Please fill out course information below. Fill out as many as needed. 

Please note that you must first set up your accommodation forms, with ASL interpreter listed, with the Office of Academic Success & Accessibility ( before completing this request.


Course One Information

Course One Date Range :
Course One Class Days
Course One Start and End Times :


Course Two Information (Optional)

Course Two Date Range :
Course Two Class Days
Course Two Class Start and End Times :


Course Three Information (Optional)

Course Three Date Range :
Course Three Class Days
Course Three Class Start and End Times :


Course Four Information (Optional)

Course Four Date Range :
Course Four Class Days
Course Four Class Start and End Times :

* Required Field