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Planned Giving | University of Redlands

Planned Giving

A planned gift is a tremendous way to have a lasting impact on the Johnston Center. This type of gift is also called a legacy gift because it is a conscious choice to leave a legacy of support for future generations of students and faculty through your estate plan.

There are many different types of planned gifts – one of the most common is a charitable bequest. You can include a gift to Johnston in your will or living trust, leaving Johnston a specific amount or a percentage of your assets. It is a simple way to have a huge impact – just a few sentences in your will or trust is all that is needed. Many people often realize when considering a charitable bequest that they can give more than they ever thought possible.

The University of Redlands has a robust planned giving program with many different ways to support Johnston while fulfilling your philanthropic goals. You can learn more about planned giving by visiting the University's planned giving website. You can also contact Ericka Smith, Director of Major Gifts, at 909-748-8357.