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Redlands Accounting Society | University of Redlands

Redlands Accounting Society

Dr. Hall and 2018 Class.png

Dr. Hall and the Class of 2018

All accounting majors actively participate in the activities of the Redlands Accounting Society, which is run by the students. RAS has four main goals: (1) to help students develop as professionals; (2) to assist students in networking; (3) to develop community between alumni, upperclassmen and new students; and (4) to volunteer together to make Redlands and Southern California a better place.

To meet the first two goals, students have meetings to discuss professional dress and networking, to help each other develop their resumes, and with a large number of outside speakers who come to campus to discuss careers in accounting and current events. They also attend events put on by outside groups, from the California Society of CPAs, the American Society of Women Accountants, the Financial Executives Institute and other groups. For several years, they have attended Wesco's annual shareholders' meeting, to see Charlie Munger speak on business conditions.


Holiday Party 

Singing competitions

Singing competition; who can write the best Accounting song? Group one or two? 

Accountants tend to be very competitive, so many of our community-building events include sports-from softball to bowling to a big annual croquet tournament. Most of the other events involve food, including the well-known Student/Alumni Homecoming Picnic. The annual Alumni/Senior Honors dinner usually involves a roast of the graduating seniors, who then provide pithy words of advice to the underclassmen.

Accounting majors are involved in the community as individuals, as a part of many organizations on campus and assisting as mentors to young people in schools and through community groups. As a group, RAS sponsors philanthropic events as well. The accounting majors use their skills to spread financial literacy, with talks and fun activities with high schools and younger students in the community.