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Mariama Fisher | University of Redlands

Mariama Fisher


Mariama Fisher 300x375.pngMy body of work focuses on the connections I make with those around me. I explore the juxtaposition of how Covid-19 has dramatically changed each of our lives, while at the same time the ritual of it remains. I Photograph my family and those intimate moments only lived within our walls. I tell not only my experiences, but those of individuals around me who are in my community. Each have a unique story and history of their own, from the shopkeeper at the corner store to my grandmother who I have not hugged in a year now. This work shows not only my personal relationships with those I know and love, but how it is still possible to make meaningful connections to strangers and my environment even during this time.

When I heard the buzzing of the razor, I grabbed my camera and ran downstairs knowing I had to shoot this beautiful moment between father and son. My brother and my dad. My dad works 12 hours a day 5 days a week, yet he still, takes the time out of his schedule to make sure his son stays groomed. With the pandemic and shops being closed my dad took on this added responsibility. While shooting film I had no idea what the product of my images would be until I processed them. I, myself, was surprised by the outcome. I was drawn in by my brother’s gaze, and by my dad who is wearing the shirts my mom had created to show the importance of the lives of her black sons.


I have not hugged my grandmother in over a year now, the Covid 19 pandemic and resulted quarantine has stolen physical connections not only with my grandmother but with so many members within my community. This has made me hyper aware of the love and sustenance that I have always found there. I realized how much I craved rekindling these connections through my photography. Using mainly 35 mm film, my body of work explores the juxtaposition of how Covid-19 has dramatically changed each of our lives while at the same time the ritual of it remains. I photograph my family, those intimate and quiet moments only lived within our walls. I tell not only my experience but also that of those around me. From the shopkeeper at the minimart, to my dad cutting my brothers hair, and the small business owners just trying to stay afloat among this madness. We all have stories to tell. And through them we can see just how alike we all really are.