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David Soulsby | University of Redlands

David Soulsby

Professor, Chemistry

David Soulsby


Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, University of Colorado, 2001;

B.Sc. Chemistry, Lancaster University, England, 1996


Chemistry, Hedco Hall
P: 909.748.8546
P: 909-748-8370

Academic Interests and Areas of Expertise

Methodology development, synthesis of biologically interesting natural products, and chemical education.

Professional Background

I received my undergraduate degree from Lancaster University, England and doctorate in organic chemistry from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Since joining the University of Redlands in 2001, I have taught a variety of undergraduate courses, including General Chemistry Laboratory, Organic Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Chemistry Seminar, Interdisciplinary Research Methods in Chemistry and Biology, and Senior Research. I received the University of Redlands Outstanding Teaching Award in 2006. Additionally, I have mentored and co-authored with over 20 research students on projects ranging from the development of new reactions involving ozonolytic intermediates such as alkoxy hydroperoxides and carbonyl oxides, to the synthesis of biological molecules such as phoracantholide I and jasmine ketolactone. I have also served on numerous committees at the University of Redlands, including the President's Committee on the Second Century, the Faculty Review Committee, the Academic Review Board, Dean's Advisory Committee, and search committees within the Chemistry, Communicative Disorders, and Economics departments. Outside the University I have been the San Gorgonio coordinator for the National Chemistry Olympiad and symposium organizer for the American Chemical Society national meeting in San Francisco.

Opportunities for Students

Every year I take several of my research students to the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), who along with other Science Center students, have one of the largest attendance records at the conference. In addition, my research students have also presented at local and national American Chemical Society meetings.

Courses Taught

CHEM 131L General Chemistry Laboratory

CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 231L Organic Chemistry II

CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry II

CHEM 232L Organic Chemistry II

CHEM 394 Chemistry Seminar

CHEM 425 Advanced Organic Chemistry

BLCM 360/460 Interdisciplinary Research Methods in Chemistry and Biology


Professor, Chemistry Department, University of Redlands (2013-present)

Department Chair, Chemistry Department, University of Redlands (2011-2014)

Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, University of Redlands (2007-2013)

Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, University of Redlands (2001-2007)


Soulsby, D. "Using Cloud Storage for NMR Data Distribution", Journal of Chemical Education, 2012 89, 1007-1011.

Soulsby, D. "Using Experimental and Computational Chemistry to Teach Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions", poster presentation at the National American Chemical Society meeting, San Diego, CA, 2012.

Soulsby, D., Rodarte, C. B. "Substituent effects on the E/Z alkene ratio in medium-membered rings synthesized via RCM", poster presentation at the National American Chemical Society meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2010.

Soulsby, D., Weaver, M. G. "Synthesis of stabilized carbonyl oxides and carbonyl oxide precursors", poster presentation at the National American Chemical Society meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2010.

Soulsby, D. "Distributing NMR Spectra Using Google Groups," oral presentation at the National American Chemical Society meeting, Washington D.C., 2009.

Blauth, S. L., Soulsby, D. P., Kard, M., Baron, L., Kennedy, T. "No evidence of inhibition of germination or radicle elongation in Amaranthus hypochondriacus by Herbarumin I, a reported phytotoxin from plant pathogen Phoma herbarum," Hawaii, Plant Biology 2009.

Soulsby, D. "Teaching NMR spectroscopy in organic chemistry using predictive and interpretive exercises", oral presentation at the National American Chemical Society meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2008.

Soulsby, D. "Synthesis of ß-hydroxy esters from the ozonolysis of vinyl ethers", poster presentation at the National American Chemical Society meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2008.

Soulsby, D. "Organic Chemistry Laboratory Textbook", University of Redlands, Mozena Publishing Inc., 2006.

Terhorst, J.; Soulsby D. "An Unusual Ozonolysis Reaction of 2,3-Dihydrofuran", oral presentation at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of California, Riverside, CA, November 2005.

Baron, L.; Soulsby D. "Synthesis of the Phytotoxin Herbarumin", oral presentation at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of California, Riverside, CA, November 2005.

Wilkerson, E.; Soulsby D. "Studies Directed Towards the Kinetic Resolution of 3-Alkoxy-1,2-Dioxolanes", poster presentation at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of California, Riverside, CA, November 2005.

Sandy, M.; Soulsby D. "Total synthesis of (±)-phoracantholide I: Approaches towards the synthesis of jasmine ketolactone", presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, March 2005.

O'Neill J.; Wolf, J.-P.; Soulsby D. "Ozonolysis of cycloalkenes in the presence of alkenols: Synthesis of terminally differentiated aldehyde-ester-alkene containing products", presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, March 2005.

Baron, L.; Yap, K.; Lopez, R.; Curtis, C.; Nguyen, A.; Blauth, S.; Soulsby, D. "Progress towards the synthesis and testing of the phytotoxin herbarumin I using Arabidopsis thaliana", presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, March 2005.

Soulsby D. "Introduction of a research based component into the organic chemistry laboratory sequence", oral presentation given at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, March 2005.

O'Neill, J.; Soulsby, D. "The Ozonolysis of Cycloalkenes: Synthesis of Terminally Differentiated Aldehyde-Ester-Alkene Containing Products", oral presentation at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, Whittier College, Whittier, CA, November 2004.

Sandy, M.; Soulsby, D. "Total Synthesis of (±)-Phoracantholide I and Approaches Towards the Synthesis of Jasmine Ketolactone", presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, Whittier College, Whittier, CA, November 2004.

Baron, L.; Lopez, R.; Yap, K.; Blauth, S.; Soulsby, D. "Synthesis and Testing of the Phytotoxin Herbarumin I using Arabidopsis thaliana as a Model Organism", presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, Whittier College, Whittier, CA, November 2004.

Glasser, H.; Sandy, M.; Soulsby, D. "Progress Towards the Total Synthesis of Jasmine Ketolactone", presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, Whittier College, Whittier, CA, November 2004.

Terhorst, J.; Soulsby, D. "The [3+2] Cycloaddition of Carbonyl Oxides to Alkenes ", presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, Whittier College, Whittier, CA, November 2004.

Sandy, M.; Soulsby, D. "A Concise Total Synthesis of (rac)-Phoracantholide I", presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of California, Irvine, CA, November 2003 and at the Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Long Beach, CA, October 2003.

O'Neill, J.; Soulsby, D. "Ozonolytic Cleavage of Cycloalkenes to Terminal Alkene Containing Products", presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of California, Irvine, CA, November 2003 and at the Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Long Beach, CA, October 2003.

Roth, L., Soulsby, D. P. "Development of Electron Rich, Sterically Hindered Chiral Phosphine Ligands for the Rhodium Catalyzed Addition of Boronic Acids to Aldehydes", presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, CalTech, Pasadena, November 2002.

Awards, Honors, Grants

University of Redlands Outstanding Teaching Award, 2006-2007

Pharmacia-Upjohn Fellowship, 2000-2001

Enrollment Enhancement Fellowships, 1998-2000

Lancaster University Foreign Graduate Student Fellowship, 1997-1998

Graduate Teaching Award, 1996-1997

NASA Grant/Cooperative Agreement NNX08AP53G, University of Redlands Educational Technology Program, including purchase of a 400 MHz NMR spectrometer ($451,939) 2008

Faculty Research Grant, University of Redlands ($1000) 2004

Merck/AAAS Undergraduate Science Research Program ($60,000) 2003

Faculty Research Grant, University of Redlands ($1500) 2003

Faculty Research Grant, University of Redlands ($1250) 2002


American Chemical Society

Royal Society of Chemistry