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Teri Longin | University of Redlands

Teri Longin

Co-Chair, Professor, Chemistry

Photo of Teri Longin


Ph.D., Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, 1995;

B.S., Chemistry (honors, summa cum laude), Ithaca College, 1988


Chemistry, Hedco Hall
P: 909.748.8543
P: 909-748-8370

Areas of Expertise

I am a physical chemist with research interests in three main areas: reactions of ozone with the molecular components of plant waxes, using liquid membranes to separate complex mixtures, and chemical education.

Research Highlights

Ozone and plant waxes: With the help of my undergraduate co-investigators, I am exploring the extent to which the direct reaction between ozone and the molecular components in the epicuticular wax of plant leaves and fruit skins contributes to wax degradation. Ozone is an environmental pollutant that is increasing in concentration in the troposphere, posing a risk to agriculture. Ozone is known to detrimentally affect the epicuticular wax of leaves, though the exact mechanism of action is unknown. Since many components of plant waxes and interesting phytochemicals in fruit skins are susceptible to reaction with ozone, we are interested in determining to what extent direct reactions between ozone and compounds in waxes can affect the wax itself or degrade important phytochemicals. We use standards such as ferulic acid and 1-octadecanol to represent classes of molecules commonly found in epicuticular waxes and react them with ozone in inert containers. We analyze the reaction products using IR, LC-QToF-MS, 1H, 13C, HSQC, HMBC and h3BC NMR. We have found that ozone reacts with several of the compounds found in epicuticular waxes and are determining the exact structures of products and developing mechanisms to explain their formation.

Liquid membranes: In this area, I focus on studying photofacilitated transport in liquid membranes to understand the transport process and develop new systems. In a liquid membrane, a carrier molecule facilitates the separation of a solute from a mixture by selectively transporting it to a receiving phase. In my research, I investigate carrier molecules whose binding properties can be modified with light, resulting in photofacilitated membranes. Transport in photofacilitated membranes can be turned on and off with light, which would be useful for selective delivery of drugs or for photosensors. More importantly, photofacilitated liquid membranes can concentrate solute in the sweep solution. If the solute is useful, it can be removed from a dilute solution and concentrated for easy recovery. Conversely, if the solute is toxic, the feed is purified, and the solute is concentrated in the sweep making disposal easier. I've done theoretical work (with the great help of undergraduate research students) to learn what sort of carrier and membrane properties will produce the best photofacilitated liquid membranes. Our work indicates that solute transport with both sides of the membrane illuminated can be much higher than solute transport in the dark. I am currently working on testing the results of my theoretical studies using a carrier and transport cell specially designed for photofacilitated transport studies.

Chemical Education: I am always developing new teaching tools such as new guided inquiry activities or new laboratory experiments. In the past, I have worked with an undergraduate co-investigator to study the impact on student learning of various laboratory experiments in CHEM 131. I look forward to more students working with me on laboratory development and assessment.


Courses Taught

CHEM 131/132 General Chemistry

CHEM 331 Physical Chemistry I

CHEM 332 Physical Chemistry II


Previous Teaching Experience

January 1998-May 1998
Lecturer for Introductory Chemistry
University of Colorado at Boulder

Professional Experience

June-July 2015, June-July 2014, June-July 2013, May 2011-June 2012
Visiting Researcher with Prof. Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts
University of California, Irvine

June 2000-August 2000
ACS-PRF Fellow with Prof. Carl Koval
University of Colorado at Boulder

January 1998-June 1998
Research Associate with Prof. Paul Todd
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Colorado at Boulder

October 1995-Dec. 1997
Research Associate with Prof. Carl Koval
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Colorado at Boulder


Lambert A. Doezema, Teresa Longin, William Cody, Veronique Perraud, Matthew Dawson, Michael J. Ezell, John Greaves, Kathleen R. Johnson, Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts, "Analysis of secondary organic aerosols in air using extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (EESI-MS)", RSC Advances, 2012, 2, 2930-2938.

T. L. Longin, J. Terhorst, C. Lang, "Simulations of Photopumping in Doubly Illuminated Liquid Membranes Containing Photoactive Carriers" J. Phys. Chem B, 2010, 114, 15846-15856.

T. L. Longin, T. Fraterman, P. Nguyen, "Simulations of Photomodulated Solute Transport in Doubly Illuminated Liquid Membranes Containing Photoactive Carriers" J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109, 21063.

M. L. Goyette, T. L. Longin, R. D. Noble, C. A. Koval, "Selective Photofacilitated Transport of Sodium Ions Through Liquid Membranes: Key Factors in Experimental Design, Transport Results, and Comparison with a Mathematical Model" J. Membrane Sci., 2003, 212, 225.

T. L. Longin, C. A. Koval, R. D. Noble, "Photopumping in Liquid Membranes Containing Photoactive Carriers" J. Phys. Chem. B 1998, 102, 2064.

T. L. Longin, C. A. Koval, R. D. Noble, "Photomodulation of Transport Rates in Liquid Membranes Containing Photoactive Carriers" J. Phys. Chem. B 1998, 102, 1036.

T. L. Longin, C. A. Koval, R. D. Noble, "Photomodulation and Photopumping in Liquid Membranes Containing Carriers Optimized for Thermal Transport" J. Phys. Chem. B 1997, 101, 7172.


M. J. Riches, T. Kochar, A. Telfer-Radzat, D. Soulsby, T. L. Longin, “The effects of ozone on standards representing molecular components of epicuticular waxes in plant leaves”, poster presentation by M. J. Riches at the American Chemical Society 251stNational Meeting, San Diego, CA, March, 2016.

T. L. Longin, D. Wacks, “Integrating lab experiments and guided inquiry activities to teach electrochemistry in general chemistry”, oral presentation at the American Chemical Society 251st National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March, 2016.

T. L. Longin, Carla Kidd, Lisa Wingen, Kjertan Lyster, Crisand Anderson, Sambhav Kumbhani, Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts, “Extractive Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Heterogeneous Particles: Implications for Applications to Complex Atmospheric Aerosol”, poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December, 2015.

T. L. Longin, K. Gahre, L. Jensen, “Simulating photofacilitated transport under double illumination for a liquid membrane system optimized to study photofacilitated transport under single illumination”, poster presentation at the American Chemical Society 248thNational Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August, 2014.

T. L. Longin, “Using a guided inquiry and experimental approach to teaching buffers in general chemistry” poster presentation at the American Chemical Society 245th National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April, 2013.

T. L. Longin, "Development of a guided-inquiry laboratory activity to introduce major concepts in chemical equilibrium for general chemistry", oral presentation at the 243rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA, March, 2012.

T. L. Longin, Lambert Doezema, William Cody, Emily Bruns, Veronique Perraud, Michael Ezell, Matthew Dawson, John Greaves, Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts, "Comparison of extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to other techniques for studying the composition of secondary organic aerosols,"poster presentation at the 243rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA, March, 2012.

Teresa Longin, Lambert Doezema, William Cody, Veronique Perraud, Michael Ezell, Matthew Dawson, John Greaves, Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts, "A New Approach to Speciation of the Organic Component of Atmospheric Aerosols", poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December, 2011.

T. L. Longin, D. Van Engelen, C. Keedy, "Using EDTA titration of hard water and milk for student designed experiments in first year chemistry laboratories". Oral presentation at the American Chemical Society 238th National Meeting, Washington, D. C. August, 2009, Section: Chemical Education.

T.L. Longin, T. Fraterman, J. Terhorst, C. Lang, "Simulations of photofacilitated active transport in doubly illuminated photoactive liquid membranes". Oral presentation by T. Longin, co-authors are undergraduate collaborators. American Chemical Society 229th National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2005. Section: Computers in Chemistry.

John Terhorst, Teresa L. Longin, and Christopher Lang, "Simulations of photopumping in doubly illuminated liquid membranes containing photoactive carriers." Poster presentation by John Terhorst at the 38th ACS Western Regional Meeting, Long Beach, October, 2003.

T. L. Longin, J. I. Selco, American Chemical Society 221th National Meeting, San Diego, CA. Section: Chemical Education, Oral Presentation, April, 2001 "How can physical chemistry possibly satisfy a writing requirement?"

T. L. Longin, "Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Photofacilitated Transport in Liquid Membranes", oral presentation at the American Chemical Society 217th National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 1999. Section: Computers in Chemistry.

T. L. Longin, C. A. Koval, R. D. Noble, "Photomodulation of Transport Rates in Liquid Membranes Containing Photoactive Carriers". Oral presentation at the American Chemical Society 214th National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, September 1997. Section: Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering.

Awards, Honors, Grants

ACS-PRF type G grant: September 2000-August 2003

National Research Service Award Training Grant, 1993-1995

NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1988-1991


American Chemical Society

Council on Undergraduate Research

American Geophysical Union