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Samantha Sterba | University of Redlands

Samantha Sterba

Assistant Professor

Stock Profile Photo


Ph.D., Economics
University of Massachusetts, 2020

B.A., Economics
Roanoke College, 2009


Duke Hall
P: 909.748.8746

Courses Taught

ECON 101: Principles of Economics

ECON 212: Political Economy

ECON 460: Healthcare and Capitalism


Fall 2014 - Fall 2019: Lecturer, Smith College

Fall 2018: Instructor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Summer 2018: Lecturer, University of Vermont

Summer 2014-2017, Summer 2019: Online Instructor UMass Amherst

Fall 2010 - Spring 2019: Teaching Assistant, UMass Amherst


Awards, Honors, Grants

July 2018-July 2019: Dissertation Fellowship, Union of Radical Political Economics

Fall 2016: Dissertation Fellowship, Political Economy and Research Institute

Invited Presentations

2019: “Neoliberalism and U.S. Healthcare Reforms.” UMass-New School Graduate Workshop, New York City, NY

2019: “Neoliberalism and U.S. Healthcare Reforms. ”INET Young Scholar’s Initiative, Los Angeles, CA

2014: “National Single Payer Health Insurance: Can We Afford Anything Less?” Center for Popular Economics, Springfield, MA