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Anne Cavender | University of Redlands

Anne Cavender

Associate Provost for Faculty & Academic Innovation, Senior International Officer

Photo of Anne Cavender


Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of Washington

M.A., Comparative Literature, University of Washington

B.A., East Asian Studies, Middlebury College



Hall of Letters
P: 909.748.8575


2000 - Ph.D.  Comparative Literature, University of Washington

  • Major fields: Chinese & Anglo-American comparative poetics & hermeneutics Anglo-American modernism

1995 - M.A.  Comparative Literature, University of Washington

1989- B.A.  East Asian Studies, Middlebury College

  • Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, Departmental High Honors



Associate Provost for Faculty & Academic Innovation
October 2022 – present.  Provost’s Office. University of Redlands

Associate Dean of Academic Programs & Curriculum
2018-2020, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Redlands

College of Arts & Sciences, University of Redlands


Assistant, Associate (tenured), and Professor of English, University of Redlands


Affiliate Faculty: Asian Studies Program

Courses taught include:

  • Comparative Ethics & Aesthetics
  • Literary Criticism & Theory
  • Images of Women in Literature
  • Introduction to Chinese Literature
  • Modernism
  • Poetry East-West
  • Single-Author Seminars: James Joyce / William Carlos Williams

Woodrow Wilson Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in Interdisciplinary Humanities


Selected Scholarship


“Without Invention Nothing is Well-Spaced: A Spatial Approach to William Carlos Williams.”  University Consortium of Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) Annual Meeting; Washington, D.C. 2019.

“Gender & Pedagogy in H.D.’s HERmione.”  Modernist Studies Association (MSA) Annual Meeting; Columbus 2018.

“ ‘Words from a Child’s Primer’:  H.D. and Progressive Education.”  Accepted for H.D. International Society Panel: H.D.’s Modernist Revolutions, MSA 2015.

“The Entomological Sublime in H.D. and William Carlos Williams.”  MSA 2007.

“Erotic Hermeneutics in Williams and Joyce.”  Co-organizer of panel and presenter.  MSA 2005.

“The Poetic Foundation of Civil Institutions in Giambattista Vico and Classical Chinese Poetics.”  American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting; Penn State, 2005.

“’Everything We Know is a Local Virtue’:  William Carlos Williams’s Paterson and the Act of Reading America.”  American Literature Association Annual Meeting; Boston, 2005.


Literary Modernism and Progressive Education.  Book manuscript in progress.

Cavender, Anne L.  “‘Words from a Child’s Primer’:  H.D. and Progressive Education.”  Manuscript in progress for submission to Feminist Modernist Studies.

Cavender, Anne L. “The Aberrant is the Classic’:  William Carlos Williams’s Philosophy of Education.”  Journal of Aesthetic Education (Forthcoming, Spring 2024).

Book Review:  "Joyce on the Threshold," Anne Fogarty and Timothy Martin, eds. (UP Florida 2005).  James Joyce Quarterly 44.3 (Spring 2007): 595-598.

“The Ass & the Four:  Oppositional Figures for the Reader in Finnegans Wake.” James Joyce Quarterly 41.4 (Summer 2004): 665-687.

Book Review:  "Knowledge of Things Human and Divine:  Vico’s New Science and Finnegans Wake,” by Donald Philip Verene. (Yale UP 2003). James Joyce Quarterly 41.3 (Spring 2004): 554-557.


“The Terracotta Warriors:  History and Culture of Pre-Han China.”  University of Redlands Alumni Association; Bowers Museum of Cultural Arts, 2008.

“James & Nora Joyce.”  UoR Alumni Association; Old Globe Theater, San Diego, 2005.

“Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research at an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Institution.” The Woodrow Wilson Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting; Los Angeles, 2002.

“Ancient Chinese Cosmology.”  UoR Alumni Association; Bowers Museum of Cultural Arts; Santa Ana, 2002.

“David Henry Hwang’s Flower Drum Song.”  UoR Alumni Association; Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, 2001.

The Body of Bourne:  Randolph Bourne and American Modernism.” UoR Alumni Association; Mark Taper Forum, 2001.

“The Poetic Foundation of Civil Institutions in Confucius and Vico.”  Asian Studies Faculty-Student Research Colloquium, UoR, 2001.

Professional Development, Awards Honors and Grants

HERS Institute, Bryn Mawr College, 2019.  Higher education leadership development program for women.

Provost’s Grant Proposal Writing Fellowship, University of Redlands, 2018. 

Faculty Review Committee Research Grant, University of Redlands, 2017

American Conference of Academic Deans Workshop, “Learning to Thrive ‘In-Between’: Succeeding as an Assistant/Associate Dean,” AAC&U Annual Meeting, 2018.

Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Redlands Faculty Review Committee, 2014.

Outstanding Teaching Award, Sigma Tau Delta English Honors Society, University of Redlands, 2011.

Faculty Review Committee Research Grant, University of Redlands, 2007.

Freeman Foundation Grant, ASIANetwork “College-in-Asia” Summer Institute, 2004.

National Endowment for the Humanities and Asian Studies Development Program Grant, 2001.

Blakemore Foundation Grant.  National Taiwan University, 1999-2000. 


American Conference of Academic Deans

American Comparative Literature Association

Association for Asian Studies

Association of American University Professors

Modernist Studies Association

NAFSA: Association of International Educators