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Nancy Carrick | University of Redlands

Nancy Carrick

Professor, English

Stock Profile Photo


Ph.D. Renaissance Literature, University of Arizona, 1980

M.A. English, University of Arizona, 1972

B.A. With High Distinction and Honors in English, University of Arizona, 1970.


Hall of Letters
P: 909.748.8413

Academic Interests

  • Medieval and Renaissance illustrated mss./books of plays

  • Narrative art and its influence on the illustration of plays

  • Performance pedagogy in teaching dramatic texts

Area of Expertise

  • Academic Administration


Courses Taught


Renaissance Drama


Renaissance Literature (survey)



Drama (surveys)

Persuasive Writing (upper-division rhetorical theory and craft)

Peer-Tutor Training

Senior Projects

Educational Odysseys (interdisciplinary humanities course for first-year students)

Travel Writing (in Salzburg, Austria)

Junior Literature Seminar

Composition at all levels


Graduate Assistant and Associate in Teaching, University of Arizona, 1970-1980


"Faculty Loads and Special Compensation." With Philip A. Glotzbach. Deans' Handbook. Boston: ACAD, 1998.

"Persuasive Pen: An Integrated Approach to Reasoning and Writing." With Lawrence Finsen. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1997.

"Creating Writers," The Redlands Magazine, 1993.

"A Comment on ‘Integrating Formal Logic and the New Rhetoric,'" with Lawrence Finsen, College English, 47:2 (1985).

"A Student's Guide to Freshman Composition with Freshman Writing." Minneapolis: Burgess, 1980.

Awards, Honors, Grants

Town and Gown Higher Education Award

NEH-NSF-FIPSE Joint Initiative in Humanities and Science Education Grant ($140,000) to support Redlands' Environmental Studies Program

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar on the Theory of Artistic Relations in the Renaissance

Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Redlands

Meritorious Teaching Award, University of Arizona

Folger Library Grant for Research in Theatre History

Phi Beta Kappa

Phi Kappa Phi National Honorary

Alpha Lambda Delta National Honorary

Invited Presentations

"Working with the Chief Academic Officer in Difficult Economic Times," Invited Plenary Speaker, "Creative Leadership with Limited Resources," Council of Independent Colleges, 2009.

"Integrating Liberal Education in Business Curriculum," National Convention of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2008.

"Testing whether the Promises of the Mission Are Demonstrated in the Culminating Work of Students," New Approaches to Cross-Institutional Assessment, Associated New American Colleges Institute, 2007.

"Professional Evaluation and Rewards: Aligning Faculty and Institutional Expectations," Associated New American Colleges Institute, 2005.

"A Response to AAC&U's 'Greater Expectations': On Liberal and Professional Education," National Convention of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2004.

"Integrating Decision-Making in Faculty Hiring: Two Models for Increasing Diversity," National Convention of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2003.

"Winter's Tale: Performing a Romance," CalShakes, 2002.

"Shakespeare and GIS," Shakespeare Association of America National Meeting, 2002.

"Cultivating Faculty Leadership at Small Schools," with Tracy Fitzsimmons, for "Collaboration toward the Common Good: Faculty and Administration Working Together," American Association of University Professors/American Conference of Academic Deans National Workshop, 2000.

"Building and Supporting an Accomplished Faculty," with Bob Benedetti, for "Partners in Academic Leadership: Faculty, Chair, and Dean Collaboration," Association of American Colleges and Universities Network for Academic Renewal, 1999.

"Collaborative Leadership in the Dean's Office," with Philip A. Glotzbach, for "Seasons and Cycles: the Dean's Work with Faculty from Hire to Retirement," American Conference of Academic Deans National Workshop, 1999.

"Tonson and Boydell: Illustrating Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century," for "Editing and Culture: Shakespeare from Rowe to Furness," Shakespeare Association of America National Meeting, 1997.

"Performance Pedagogy in the Teaching of Shakespeare," Shakespeare Association of America Workshop on "Figuring Difference: Media in the Shakespeare Classroom," Sixth World Shakespeare Congress, 1996.

"Ernest Boyer's 'Scholarship Assessed' and the Integration of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies in New American Colleges," American Conference of Academic Deans Regional Meeting, 1995.

"Writing to Think, Thinking to Write: How to Craft a Distinctive Writing Across the Curriculum Program," Plenary Address, University of Evansville, 1993.

"How Reliable Are Renaissance Illustrations of Stage Action? The Lyons Terence Woodcuts Reconsidered," National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar on the Theory of Artistic Relations in the Renaissance, 1991.

"How Administrators Can Nurture Writing in the Disciplines," Consortium for Instructional Improvement Conference, 1989.

"Critical Thinking and Writing Across the Curriculum," with Lawrence Finsen, Instructional Leadership Conference, 1988.

"Publishing Student Writing Across the Curriculum," National Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1984. Introducing Redlands Writes.

"On Conducting Student Conferences and Writing Workshops," National Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1978.


Shakespeare Society of America

Renaissance Conference of Southern California

Through 2009:
American Conference of Academic Deans
American Association of Colleges and Universities