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Internships & Opportunities in Southern California | University of Redlands

Internships and Opportunities in Southern California

We think of our Southern California location as a natural laboratory. The surrounding region offers examples of severe environmental degradation as well as some of the most innovative and technologically advanced solutions in the world.

Just 35 miles from campus sits the country's largest wind farm with over 1,000 wind turbines, and less than 10 miles from campus is the San Bernardino National Forest, home to more endangered species than any other national forest. Southern California's highest peak, Mt. San Gorgonio, is located here, along with the largest roadless area south of the Sierra Nevada. Beyond the range is some of the most magnificent desert country in the southwest: Joshua Tree and Death Valley National Parks, the new Mojave National Preserve and the massive Anza-Borrego State Park.

Joshua Tree National Park October 2021

The Pacific Ocean lies 80 miles to the west, providing numerous marine ecosystems to explore, along with excellent opportunities to observe some of the country's best and worst examples of coastal zone management.

Few areas of the world can offer such challenging environmental problems and solutions, in combination with such a beautiful expanse of mountain, ocean and desert wilderness.