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Degree Programs | University of Redlands

Degree Programs

The Major

Students declaring an HMS major will develop a course of study comprised of a minimum of 11 courses (a minimum of 38 credits).  This will include an emphasis comprised of five courses ( a minimum of 19 credits) addressing one of the four core areas defined by the program, and at least two courses in one elective area (a minimum of 7 units).  To ensure depth of study, a maximum of 3 100-level courses can count towards a student’s concentration and electives. 

Given that the ability to communicate with diverse communities is essential to healthcare, all HMS majors are strongly encouraged to develop competency in a second language.

Learning outcomes for this program may be found at

Bachelor of Arts

All HMS majors must complete the following requirements:

Major Requirements: minimum 38 credits

1. Foundation Course: 1 course/4 credits

HMS 100 Health, Medicine, and Society 

2. Mathematical Methods: 1 course/4 credits

Take one of the following courses:  

MATH 111 Elementary Statistics and Probability with Applications

POLI 202 Statistical Analysis and Mapping of Social Science Data

PSYCH 250 Statistical Methods

3. Concentration: 5 courses/19-20 credits

Take five courses addressing one of the areas within the program (Natural Science, Policy and Management, Person and Society, or Health and Social Justice). 

4. Health and Social Justice or Electives (2 courses / 7-8 credits)

All HMS majors must take at leat two courses in the Health and Social Justice area. If your concentration is in that area, you can select two elective coures in any of the other areas as electives.

5. Capstone: (2 courses/4 credits)

Complete the capstone sequence:

HMS 300 Integrative Seminar I: 2 credits

HMS 400 Integrative Seminar II: 2 credits

HMS 300 should be completed at the end of a student’s junior year, and HMS 400 should be completed at the end of a student’s senior year.  Students will design a service/internship plan in HMS 300, then reflect upon and integrate their service experience with their course of study in HMS 400 after that project is completed.  The completion of a service/internship project is required to complete the capstone sequence.

For more information, please consult an advisor within the HMS program.

Department Honors

Students may apply for departmental honors in the fall of their senior year. To complete the honors requirements, students must successfully defend an Honors Project in HMS. The defense committee shall be composed of at least two faculty members, one of whom shall be an advisory board member in the HMS program. Students interested in pursuing honors will apply to seek honors in the fall of their senior year. For more information, contact the program director.