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Media & Communication | University of Redlands

Media & Communication

The Media & Communication program (MECM) draws on expertise from across the campus to empower student success in a world where media creativity and mediated communication dominate every aspect of our lives. In the MECM major, you’ll gain the critical and collaborative skills needed for a wide range of career paths, from public relations to screenwriting, social media marketing to graphic design for film and television. The MECM program, grounded in our commitment to broad, interdisciplinary liberal arts practice, inspires our graduates to think flexibly. In the major, you’ll learn to be problem-solvers and innovators in a wide range of contexts. You’ll gain a mixture of hands-on experience, historical and cultural perspectives, and critical awareness essential to success in a connected but rapidly changing world. As a graduate, you'll demonstrate reflective self-awareness as both a maker and consumer of media, and as an engaged citizen who can communicate empathetically and productively with others.

Brianna Nixon '18 - MECM

Brianna Nixon '18

B.A. in Media and Visual Culture Studies*, minor in psychology

Currently Digital Marketing Specialist, Nordstrom


*Media and Visual Culture Studies is now Media & Communication.


"Understanding the relationship between media and communication helps in comprehending how information is disseminated, how messages are constructed, and how audiences engage with different forms of media. This major laid a strong foundation for my success in earning a master’s in communication management at USC by honing my skills in strategic communication, media analysis, and audience engagement. It provided me with the tools and knowledge to excel in my graduate program and build a successful career thereafter.”

In the MECM major, you'll gain familiarity with media and communication theory in wide-ranging introductory courses. Intermediate courses will hone your ability to express yourself effectively through the spoken and written word and visual storytelling. Among the many, varied skills you can learn in these classes are: literary journalism; writing with AI; interpersonal communication and group dynamics; documentary filmmaking; web design; content creation, and costume design for television. In keeping with Redlands' commitment to personalized education, your upper-level coursework can be customized to meet your goals and aspirations.


"It makes sense to study media and the theory and practice of communication together because theory provides context to the practice of creating media, as well as consuming media. This in turn helps to communicate messages effectively and with more intent, or to digest media with greater understanding."


Kenna Heller '18

B.A. Media and Visual Culture Studies* (honors), B.A. Studio Art, concentration in graphic design (honors)

Currently Graphic Designer,  AMC Networks


You'll apply what you learn through experiential opportunities, both on and off campus. We have established partnerships with local organizations, from NPR stations in the area to the Palm Springs Film Society, which yield regular externship opportunities. A roster of on-campus internships is also available to you, in areas from digital collection development to content development for the office of marketing and communication.



Malia Bates '18

B.A. Media and Visual Culture Studies*, minor in Spanish

Currently Brand Marketing Manager, San Jose Sharks


"My favorite aspect of the Media and Visual Culture Studies major was being exposed to a wide variety of media. Studying everything from traditional print ads and their messaging to feature films and long-form television fiction has helped me tremendously with my marketing career in the sports and entertainment industry.”

Finally, in consultation with your advisor, you'll tailor your capstone to align with your interests, choosing from relevant classes, internships, or creative projects.