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Kevin O'Neill | University of Redlands

Kevin O'Neill

Professor Emeritus, Philosophy

Photo of Kevin O'Neill


Ph.D. Yale University, Philosophy, 1967

M.A. Yale University, Philosophy, 1965

B.A. Georgetown University, Philosophy Honors Program, 1963


Larsen Hall
P: 909.748.8655

Academic Interests

  • Representations of Death and the Afterlife in Popular Culture

  • Neo-Pragmatism and Truth

  • Holocaust Representation.

Areas of Expertise

  • American Philosophy

  • Kant and Hegel

  • Classical Greece

  • Philosophy and Death

Background Highlights

  • Have served on the national boards of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies and the North American Society for Social Philosophy and president of New Mexico-Texas Philosophy Society

  • Member of the School of Criticism and Theory; recipient of four National Endowment Summer Fellowships/Summer Seminar

  • Recently published article on corpses in "Mortality" and book review in JAC


Courses Taught

PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy


Medieval Philosophy

PHIL 200 Greek Philosophy

PHIL 205 Seventeenth/Eighteenth Century Philosophy

Kant and Hegel

The Rhetoric of Philosophy

Postmodernism and Death

Postmodernism and Religion

PHIL 345 American Philosophy

PHIL 342 Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy


Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas at El Paso, 1967-1969


"Disciplining the Dead," chapter published in Perspectives/n Embodiment, Ed. Honi Haber and Gail Weiss, Routledge, 1998.

"Written in Stone: Representations of Children and Childhood on Grave Markers, Puritan Era to the Present" Children's Literature Association, El Paso, TX, 2003.

"Advising at Johnston," Chapter published as part of Hard Travelin' and Still Havin' A Good Time. Eds. Bill McDonald and Kathy Ogren, Trafford Publishing, 2004.

"Philosophy and the Figurative: The Opening of Plato's Phaedo," Proceedings of the Society for Ancient Philosophy, published in association with the national meeting of the Society for Ancient Philosophy at the University of Oregon, 2005.

"Death, Lives and Video Streams," Mortality, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2008.

"The Dispossession of David Lurie," Chapter in Encountering Disgrace: Reading and Teaching Coetzee's Novel. Camden House, April 2009.

Awards, Honors, Grants

University of Redlands

Outstanding Teacher, University of Redlands, 1984

Mortarboard Professor of the Year, 2001

Faculty Alumni Award, 1996

University of Redlands Research Grants

External Grants and Appointments

School of Criticism and Theory, University of California Irvine, 1977

NEH Summer Seminar on Philosophy of Science, Stanford University, 1979

NEH Summer Seminar on Exact Sciences in Antiquity, Yale University 1982

NEH Summer Seminar on Post-Modernism, University of California Riverside 1991

NEH Summer Institute: Embodiment University of California Santa Cruz, 1994

APA Workshop in Teaching Philosophy, Los Angeles, 1986

Invited Presentations

"Disciplining the Dead," Paper presented at IAPL(International Association for Philosophy and Literature) national conference, Villanova University, 1995.

"Descartes and Suicide," Paper presented at IAPL national conference, Villanova University, 1995.

"Memorial Photography," Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Society (INCS) national convention, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1995.

"Elizabeth Stuart Phelps and the Annexation of Heaven," INCS national conference, Santa Cruz, 1996.

"Cities of the Dead: Cemeteries and Memorial Photography," IAPL national conference, UC Irvine, 1996.

"From the Annexation of Heaven to the Dying of Death," Pacific Sociological Association meeting, San Francisco, 1996.

"From the Annexation of Heaven to Sound Bites for the Soul," IAPL national meeting, Atlanta, 2001.

"American Models of Death: White Noise, Tuesdays with Morrie, Left Behind,' Conference on Representations of Death, University of Warwick, UK, 2001.

"Edouard Seguin and the Moral Education of Idiots," Children's Literature Association national meeting, Wyoming, PA, 2002.

"Sounds of Silence: Representation and Aporia in Post-Mortem Images of Young Women," Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Conference, Santa Cruz, 2003.

"Lost Girls: The Role of Young Women in End Times Literature," Literature Conference, Nashville, TN, 2003.

"The Theodicy and the Rapture: Images of Evil in End Times Literature", Phenomenology and Literature Conference, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA, 2003.

"Appearing and Disappearing Corpses in Twenty-first Century Images of Death," Pacific Sociological Association Conference, San Francisco, 2004.

"Theodicy in the Left Behind Novels," paper presented at the annual meeting of International Society for Phenomenology conference, Harvard Divinity School, 2005.

"The Corpse and Its Fate in the 21st Century," paper presented at the national meeting sponsored by the Museum of Funeral Customs, Springfield IL November 2006.


American Philosophical Association

Hegel Society of America

Association for Integrative Studies, National Board Member

North American Society for Social Philosophy

International Association for Philosophy and Literature

Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies

New Mexico-West Texas Philosophical Society

Children's Literature Association