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Awards | University of Redlands

Political Science Awards and Recognitions

Three prizes are awarded to top-performing, graduating senior Political Science majors, selected by department faculty, at the conclusion of the academic year. 

Colwell Prize

The Colwell Prize awarded to the graduating Political Science major who has demonstrated academic excellence in the area of American politics. A modest cash prize is attached.

Frederick John Wiley Memorial Award

The Frederick John Wiley Award is given to the student who has demonstrated academic excellence in the area of International Relations.  A modest cash prize is attached.

David Boies Award for Excellence in Constitutional Law

Selected and given by the David Boies Endowed Chair in Government, Dr. Art Svenson, this award goes to the students or student who has established an outstanding academic record in the area of Constitutional Law. A modest cash prize is attached.

Departmental Honors

For seniors; Fall deadline for thesis prospectus, Spring deadline for completed thesis or portfolio

Only students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher in the major are eligible for departmental honors; please see your advisor in September or October of your senior year to discuss your intentions. Eligible students may earn honors by completing a thesis, and the proposal or prospectus must be submitted to the department for review in fall (watch your email for deadlines). Upon approval a committee will be assigned. If at any point the committee determines the student is not progressing adequately or if the student’s GPA drops below 3.5, thesis approval may be revoked. Honors are awarded at the discretion of the committee upon completion of the thesis and an oral examination. A portfolio option is also available: requirements include summative essays, polished representative work from different Political Science subfields, and an oral examination.

Related Awards

The Armacost Library Undergraduate Research Award 

Submission deadline: (typically in March)

Win $500!  You've already produced research papers for your courses, using creative and diligent research practices to gather primary and secondary evidence to support your (hypo)theses. Share that work.  For more information visit:

Phi Beta Kappa Annual Research Paper and Best Essay Contests

Submission deadline: (typically around April 1)

The Fornightly Prize of $500 is awarded to the best original research paper submitted by any undergraduate student, and the winner will edit their work for presentation to the Redlands Fortnightly Club. The Albert Crum Prize consists of prize money distributed among the best essays submitted. Essays can be new or previously written for a Redlands course (10–25 pages).  Contact Dr. Steve Morics for more information (