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Support WGS - The Dr. Emily Culpepper Convocation Award | University of Redlands

Support WGS - The Dr. Emily Culpepper Convocation Award

Presented to a student who has achieved outstanding work in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies by demonstrating the integral connection of academics and activism in our interdisciplinary field. The Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Advisory Committee established the prize to honor Professor Culpepper's 20 years as founding director of the program. It is given in the spirit of Professor Culpepper's inspirational ability to engage our students both intellectually and as agents of transformation on the University of Redlands Campus and in their wider communities. 


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Choose “other designations” and then write in “WGS - Dr Emily Culpepper Convo. Award.” in the space provided.


Please print and mail the form to:

Office of Development
1200 East Colton Ave
PO Box 3080
Redlands, CA 92373