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Shaw Chaplaincy Institute | University of Redlands

Shaw Chaplaincy Institute

A world poised for healing

At the Shaw Chaplaincy Institute for Spiritual Care and Compassionate Leadership, we educate and nurture the formation of spiritual care leaders and spiritually interested learners, empowering them to engage the emotional, spiritual, physical, intellectual, and moral needs of all people. All Shaw Chaplaincy Institute programs foster an understanding of how caring practices are expressed across cultures and religious traditions and contribute to multiple dimensions of interreligious thought, faith, life, and witness in the world.

The Shaw Chaplaincy Institute is unusual in offering students the flexibility of choosing a community-based learning center, as opposed to learning and training in a hospital or military program. Affiliate learning sites include a variety of venues such as congregational and parish-based settings; state, police, and firefighting agencies; prisons; and addiction recovery facilities.

During CPE training, students receive close supervision while involved with persons seeking spiritual and/or religious care. Out of intense involvement with persons in various levels of crisis and need, and with feedback from peers and teachers, CPE students develop new awareness of themselves and the needs of those they serve.

Compassionate care education for service professionals